sdupes fast file duplicate detection
sescript compiles scheme-like s-expressions to javascript/ecmascript
sph-db nosql database for records and relations
sph-db-guile guile scheme bindings to sph-db
sph-ga javascript library for conformal geometric algebra
sph-lib more than 80 gpl3+ licensed guile scheme libraries
sph-other emacs scheme mode and color-themes
sph-sc compiles scheme-like s-expressions to c
sph-sc-lib c code for a hash table, thread-pool, futures, spline paths, quicksort, and more
sph-sp sound synthesis toolkit
sph-utils basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities
sph-web-app framework for dynamic websites
sph-web-publish static site generator
tcpcat send and receive data via tcp
function type signature notation human- and machine-readable
plcss s-expression language that compiles to css
video quality estimation based on fundamental video properties
centerline tracing and stroke thinning
programming paradigms brief overview
scheme the programming language
shell overview of the most useful features
qgmlwb for console and X11