the general rendering process of x is simple. {5 pages of explanation}
what is the difference between properties and attributes? the difference between attributes and properties can be important in specific situations
deal a blow to {abstract concept}
get your hands dirty in {abstract concept}
it harnesses the full power
we will likely need to leverage modules
xprojects goal is to provide a thin, airtight, amazing, flexible and beautiful tool
as we all learned in college
everybody knows
it becomes intuitively obvious
it is natural/obvious/clear/known
the low-down on x
x killing y in an argument
x utterly destroys y in a discussion
x nukes y in a discussion
mastering x
drive customer loyality
unlock business insights
for those of you who already know it, this should come as no surprise
what is x? x makes your feel better
what makes x different? x is unique
how big is x? x is very common
powerful and flexible
country draws fire from other country
a beautiful design and an elegant interface
an agency unlocks a new money grant
simply returning
you tattooed your name across my heart
a fluent api
they should not be allowed to stomp on each others memory
a dynamic language
it can often be visualised
syntactic sugar
turbocharge x with y
x gives you super powers
my attempt to convince you suffered two crippling blows
the velocity function is simply the derivative of the position function. so what we have really shown is that integrating the velocity simply recovers the original position function
earth shattering beauty
geeky stats
50 amazing plugins that you should start using right now
a solid foundation for enterprise solutions that provides a flexible and extensible architecture for building multi-lingual, multi-tenant applications
there is more than one way to skin a cat
like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, x runs http requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic
json love for your command line
bulletproof and flexible layouts
screamingly fast
freedom under fire
before diving into the code
before we dig into the api
breathe life into
remove a whole lot of different tasks from the developers plate
c pointers into the ether
the file is sitting on the filesystem
found a fresh local cache
tackle the problems head on
this directory is an escape hatch for static assets
this class is your one-stop-shop
clickbait headlines
the rise and fall of
the truth
breaks the silence
the untold truth
what you secretly want to know
what x does not want you to know
this will make you
why we are all thinking about
why everybody loves
will blow your mind
wait until you see
a lot: a ton
avoid: to fend off the demons of
based on: powered by
big: behemoth
catch: trap
compile: cook
create: whip up, cobble together, give birth to, pump out