by authors opinion from most to least favorite and release date.
koan on bandcamp
- 2023.don quixotes passion side d
- 2022.don quixotes passion side c
- 2020.munchausen trilemma side b
- 2018.insidious
- 2017.serenity side a
- 2015.non figment
- 2014.the way of one
- 2009.when the silence is speaking
- 2022.don quixotes passion side a
- 2020.munchausen trilemma side a
- 2019.muses and poets
- 2018.leap of faith
- 2017.find me if you can
- 2016.placidity
- road
- 2015.why
- 2022.don quixotes passion side b
- 2019.third prince
- 2016.condemned
- 2012.argonautica white orb edition