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best pcvr virtual reality games, software and experiences in 2023

virtual reality games and software

favorite headset: htc vive pro with valve index controllers. compared to valve index and hp reverb g2

video games

  • baldurs gate 2 - role playing game. relatively large world and depth, ambitious art
  • soma - dark, underwater, atmosphere, exploration
  • portal 1, 2 - choose where portals go and be a test subject in a vast facility
  • wip3out - futuristic racing
  • breath of fire 3 - role playing game adventure
  • command and conquer red alert 1 and 2 - real-time war strategy game. 2020 remastered edition available of ra1
  • crash bandicoot - jump and run with a unique style
  • diablo 2 - arpg. collect experience and many items, level-up and improve a character
  • final fantasy 7, 8, 4 - role playing game adventure
  • life is strange - story, immersion
  • super mario series. galaxy, world 1 and 2, 64
  • resident evil 2, 3, 1
  • silent hill 1, 3, 2 - nice dark atmosphere, interesting riddles
  • sim city 4, 2000, 3000 - build and manage cities
  • grim fandango - old style adventure, relaxing jazz soundtrack, expects you to check almost everything
  • tekken 7 - fighting game. technical and fun. if you liked tekken 3 you will probably like tekken 7 too. even though tekken 5 dr might have been better in some aspects
  • broken sword 1, 2, 5 - point and click adventures
  • chivalry - sword, melee and medieval mass fighting simulator
  • overload - plays in space facilities without gravity, up is down if you want anytime
  • planescape torment - role playing game, especially good if you like reading well written text
  • zelda - adventures
  • flatout 2 physics racing game
  • age of empires - real time war strategy game. collect resources, build bases and develop through the times
  • audiosurf - race on tracks created from and synced to your own audio files
  • grim dawn - arpg. similar to diablo 2
  • insurgency - war scenario first person shooter with a bit more realism. no crosshair, no map, no hud, quick death
  • minecraft - unlimited, automatically generated world built from workable blocks of different kinds
  • sonic generations
  • unreal tournament 2014, 1 - fast paced and futuristic first person multiplayer shooter

best linux games on steam 2018

amnesia, 2010, broken sword 1, 1996, broken sword 2, 1997, chivalry: medieval warfare, 2012, counter strike: global offensive, 2012, euro truck simulator 2, 2013, grim fandango, 1998/2015, half-life 2, 2004, insurgency, 2014, life is strange, 2015, overload, 2018, planescape torment, 1999/2017, portal 2, 2011, portal, 2007, shadow warrior, 2013, soma, 2015, terraria, 2011, this war of mine, 2014, tomb raider, 2013, universe sandbox 2, 2015

other games that are possibly too old now

  • tenchu - ninja stealth game, sim city 1/2/3, alpha centauri, grand theft auto 2 - large open city gangster/everything game (put oil slicks on bridges), blast corps, golden eye 007, driver, gran turismo - driving game with a more realism oriented presentation, mario kart, pilotwings, codename eagle, metropolis street racer, star wars: shadows of the empire, worms, www.openra.net/ open source re-implementation of the real-time strategy games command and conquer 1 and 2 and dune 2000, wz2100.net/ open source version of the real-time strategy game warzone 2011

movie directors

  • buster keaton - one week, the boat, the general - black and white, comedy, creative slapstick, many movies in public domain

  • makoto shinkai - 5 centimeters per second, your name, weathering with you - impressive drawings, anime

  • paul verhoeven - starship troopers, robocop

  • takeshi kitano - hana bi, gonin, zatoichi, dolls, a scene at the sea, brother

  • david lynch - eraserhead, elephant man, blue velvet, mulholland drive

  • hayao miyazaki - spirited away, castle in the sky, howls moving castle - anime

  • luc besson - fifth element, lucy, valerian and the city of a thousand planets - movies that tend to have creative props and things to see

  • terry giliam - brazil, twelve monkeys

books and authors

stand up comedians

doug stanhope, george carlin, patrice oneal, bill burr, louis ck, ricky gervais, ryan long