discontinued. design and implementation a tagged userspace filesystem
design for a tag filesystem
it is part of sph-lib-dg. install sph-lib-dg and the "dg" command-line program. the "dg" program has a "mount" option
dg mount --help
entering a directory appends to the path, which selects all files that have every path-segment as tag
list all existent tags, not files
delete tag
delete (> a b c)
delete (> (> b c) (> a *))
create tag
create relation
(> b (> a *))
adds tag "b" to all files that have "a"
modify tag name
(> c (> (a b) *)) (> (> (a b) *))
replaces tags for files matched by the first path
(> c (> (a b) *)) (f (> (d e) *))
replaces tags for files matched by the first path
(> a *) (> (b c) *)
delete the target file completely
read from file
write to file
list right elements