compound, compress and encrypt files with tar, xz and scrypt
to create packages from files easily
pack /tmp/1 /tmp/2
creates file "1.tar"
pack -t 3.tar /tmp/1 /tmp/2
creates file "3.tar"
pack -e 1 2
creates file "1.tar.e"
pack -ec 1 2
creates file "1.tar.xz.e"
pack -u 1.tar.xz
pack -uc 1.tar.xz
creates file "1.tar"
pack -ut /tmp 1.tar.xz
pack 1
creates 1.xz. tar is not used because it is only one file
pack -p --
creates a tar archive with every file from a newline separated list read from standard-input
$ pack --help
parameters options ... source-path ... description one program for file and directory compounding, compression and encryption options --about|-a --compression|-c --delete-input-files|-d --dry-run --encryption|-e --help|-h --implicit-compression|-i [number] add compression if source is below a certain size. the optional value is in megabits. --interface --read-paths|-p string --target|-t string --unpack|-u