
progression of personal software use

preferred software from the past (left) to the present (right)

  • bash dash
  • dropbox sshfs
  • fedora ubuntu archlinux
  • gedit vim emacs
  • gnome openbox awesomewm xmonad dwm
  • javascript coffeescript
  • lighttp apache nginx
  • mp3 vorbis flac wav/au
  • nautilus pcmanfm thunar
  • paredit-mode smartparens-mode
  • qwertz qwerty dvorak qgmlwb
  • ruby coffeescript/scheme
  • svn git
  • systemv upstart systemd
  • truecrypt luks
  • org-mode indent-tree/markdown
  • winamp foobar rhythmbox mpc mpd/ncmpc
  • xen kvm

why i switched my keyboard layout from dvorak to qgmlwb

i found dvorak to be too right-hand prioritized, bruised my right ankle in an unrelated accident, and the effect got more pronounced until i had enough. dvorak did not do as good in rolling over keys as qgmlwb, and seemed to cap typing speed. qgmlwb is apparently more similar to colemak, which is by default installed on more systems. transitioning between keyboard layouts is kind of painful because of the concious effort required to reorganize muscle memory. it took me about three weeks to be comfortable enough. i have not felt the need to switch to another layout again since the switch eight years ago in 2015,