part of c programming
by combining wisp with sc, which both only depend on guile, it is possible to write c with indent semantics, and fewer brackets, similar to coffeescript or python.
sc is a scheme-like notation for c. it can be used on its own to write c.
wisp, whitespace to lisp, is a notation for scheme expressions that allows indentation in-place of round brackets.
pre-include "stdio.h" define (main argc argv) : int int char** declare i int printf "the number of program arguments passed is %d\n" argc for : (set i 0) (< i argc) (set+ i 1) printf "argument %d is %s\n" (+ i 1) (array-get argv i) return 0
given a file with contents in wisp syntax with sc semantics, the following shell examples demonstrate usage via standard standard input/output.
wisp2lisp myfile.scw | sc
wisp2lisp myfile.scw | sc > output.c
wisp2lisp myfile.scw | sc | clang-format
as the author of sc, i use sc in several c projects and found that with the imperative style of c, most lines tend to be simple operations, in what is like a column of commands. translated to scheme-like syntax, many lines start with a round bracket and have a nesting scope that ends on the same line, which can appear syntactically noisy.