
function type signature notation

machine-readable function type signature syntax


input and output separation

input -> output

inputs and outputs are separated by ->.

multiple arguments

element1 element2 ...

multiple arguments are separated by a single space .

a b c -> d

alternative data types


alternative data types are separated by a slash /.

a b/c/d -> e
a port/string/integer -> e

alternative names


alternative names for a data type are separated by a colon :. data types always come first.

a b:c:d -> e
a port:input-port:source -> e

optional arguments


optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets [].

a [b c] -> d


element ...

indicates none or many consecutive occurrences of an element. use a space followed by three dots ....

a b ... c ... -> d

function name specification

name :: arguments -> result

function names are specified by writing the identifier followed by a space and two colons ::.

name :: a b -> c

functions and dictionaries


function signatures can be enclosed within curly brackets {} to represent functions or dictionaries. nesting is allowed.

{a ->}
function:{a ... -> list:b}
hashtable:{key -> value}

lists and arrays


lists and arrays are denoted using round brackets ().

(a (b c))


{key -> value}

associations are represented similarly to functions and dictionaries using curly brackets {}.

multiline signatures


multiline signatures start with two colons :: followed by a newline. inputs and outputs are listed on separate lines, with -> on a line by itself. the signature ends with the end of the string or two successive newline characters.


line outside of signature


list splitting function:

list any [symbol:exclusive/inclusive] -> (list:left list:right)

function transformation:

function:{any -> boolean} function:{list:matched-elements -> list:replacements} list:source -> list

complex multiline signature:

function:{alist:header function:fold-lines:{string:line any:result function:next:{any:result -> any} -> any} result -> any}
function:{header port result ->} any port [string]

extended backus-naur form

identifier     = letter , { letter | digit } ;
name           = identifier ;
slash          = "/" ;
colon          = ":" ;
ellipsis       = "..." ;
arrow          = "->" ;
double_colon   = "::" ;
space          = " " ;
newline        = "\n" ;
input          = { element } ;
output         = { element } ;
element        = argument | list | association | function_signature | alternatives | repetition | optional_arguments ;
argument       = identifier ;
list           = "(" , { element , space } , ")" ;
association    = "{" , element , arrow , element , "}" ;
function_signature = "{" , { element , arrow } , element , "}" ;
alternatives   = element , { slash , element } ;
repetition     = element , ellipsis ;
optional_arguments = "[" , { element , space } , "]" ;
function_name_spec = name , space , double_colon , space , input , arrow , output ;
multiline_signature = double_colon , newline , { input } , newline , arrow , newline , output ;
signature       = function_name_spec | multiline_signature ;


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