contains over 60000 translations, with words sorted by frequency of use. it is not designed to serve as a comprehensive dictionary
certain non-essential word types, including regional dialects, archaic terms, and domain-specific vocabulary, are not included
search results are sorted by word frequency and length
for latin character input, searches are performed in pinyin and optionally in translations if the 'translations' checkbox is checked. the 'split' checkbox has no effect in these cases
searches partial matches for chinese character input. if the 'split' checkbox is checked, input is split into words and exact matches are searched. the 'translations' checkbox has no effect in these cases
supports regular expressions, except when the 'split' checkbox is checked for chinese characters. for example, '^word' searches at the beginning of entries, 'word$' searches at the end, and '.' can be used as a wildcard
result word length may be limited based on the input length
result lines can be copied and saved directly as a machine-readable space-separated dsv file, which can then be opened as a spreadsheet