# list of guile projects list of projects that use guile. free software only for additions/removals/corrections send an email to the address you can find on the start page, im happy to add anything that fits the description the list is grouped into the following categories * scheme: scheme-only modules * extension: requires compilation of a shared library * integration: uses guile or other combination [as csv](guile-software.csv) %scm sph-info-software-list-grouped 1 "foreign/guile-software.csv" # to find guile projects in general see also * [guile on notabug.org](https://notabug.org/explore/repos?q=guile) * [guile on savannah.gnu.org](https://savannah.gnu.org/search/?words=guile&type_of_search=soft&Search=Search&exact=1#options) * [guile on github](https://github.com/search?q=guile&type=Repositories) * [the mailing list](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/)