
(sph web http)

part of sph-lib

module name

(sph web http)

exported bindings

procedure: http-current-date ->
-> string
procedure: http-date->string a ->
sph-time-date-object -> string
procedure: http-header-line name value ->
string any -> string
create a header line
procedure: http-header-lines name/value ... ->
string ... -> string
procedure: http-parse-date str ->
procedure: http-parse-date->time a ->
string -> integer:seconds/false
procedure: http-read-header port ->
syntax: http-status-line code
procedure: http-uri-query-alist->string a ->
procedure: http-uri-query-string->alist a [separator] ->
string -> alist
assumes that uri is valid
procedure: http-utc->date a ->
integer:utc-nanoseconds-since-unix-epoch -> string
procedure: http-write-date date port ->
procedure: http-write-status-line code port ->