procedure: port->buffered-octet-stream port buffer-size ->
creates stream that produces bytevectors of length buffer-size filled with data/octets read from port
procedure: port->line-stream port ->
port -> stream -> string ...
create a stream that reads lines from port
procedure: port->stream port read [close] ->
any procedure:{any -> any/eof-object} [procedure] -> stream
create a stream that calls (read port) until the result is the end-of-file object and then close port.
works with any type for port as long as read eventually returns an eof-object.
port->stream from srfi-41 does not support a custom reader
procedure: stream-deduplicate a [set-create] ->
returns each distinct value only once.
set-create is a set-creation procedure from (sph set)
procedure: stream-page a entry-count number lookahead c ->