(html (head (title "sph-lib (sph scgi)") (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href "/css/sph.css"))) (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width,initial-scale=1"))) #f) (body () (div (@ (class top)) (nav (a (@ (href "/")) "start") ", " (a (@ (href "/feed.xml")) "feed")) "") (div (@ (class "middle")) (div (@ (class mtime) (title "last modification time of the current page")) "2023-04-05") (section (h1 "(sph scgi)") (div (p "scgi interface. a server that accepts scgi requests and calls a custom procedure to handle them.") (p "part of " (a (@ (href "../../sph-lib.html")) "sph-lib")) ((section (@ (class "library-description")) (h1 "library description") (div (p "http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt"))) (section (@ (class "library-name")) (h1 "module name") (p "(sph scgi)")) (section (@ (class "library-exports")) (h1 "exported bindings") (div (div (@ (class "doc-bindings")) (div (@ (id "doc-b-" "scgi-default-address") (class "doc-b")) (div (span (@ (class "type")) "procedure") ": " (span (@ (class "name")) "scgi-default-address") " " (span (@ (class "first-sig")) " ->")) "" "") (div (@ (id "doc-b-" "scgi-handle-requests") (class "doc-b")) (div (span (@ (class "type")) "procedure") ": " (span (@ (class "name")) "scgi-handle-requests") " " (span (@ (class "first-sig")) "handle-request #:socket #:address #:port #:parallelism #:exception-key #:server-listen #:server-socket ->")) (div (@ (class "rest-sig")) (div "procedure:{list:header:((string . string) ...) port:client -> any} _ ... -> unspecified")) (div (@ (class "description")) (("optional keyword arguments" (br) "#:address string" (br) "#:port integer" (br) "#:parallelism integer" (br) "#:server-listen procedure" (br) "#:server-socket procedure" (br) "#:socket socket-object" (br) " start listening on a socket and call handle-request for each new connection." (br) " the socket protocol-family depends on the address: if it starts with a slash a local unix socket is used, if it contains colons then ip6, otherwise ip4." (br) " if a socket is not given, a local unix socket is created. default port for tcp sockets is 6500." (br) " server-listen and server-socket can be specified to use alternative server implementations, for example (sph server fibers)")))) (div (@ (id "doc-b-" "scgi-read-header") (class "doc-b")) (div (span (@ (class "type")) "procedure") ": " (span (@ (class "name")) "scgi-read-header") " " (span (@ (class "first-sig")) "port cont ->")) (div (@ (class "rest-sig")) (div "socket procedure:{list:header -> any} -> any")) "") (div (@ (id "doc-b-" "sph-scgi-description") (class "doc-b")) (div (span (@ (class "type")) "variable") ": " (span (@ (class "name")) "sph-scgi-description")) "" "")))))))) ()))