# coffeescript a collection of oneliners and other useful functions. see also: [a minimal testing library](coffeescript/testing.html) ~~~ # create an object mapping element ids to their corresponding dom elements dom = for a in document.querySelectorAll("[id]") dom[a.id] = a delete_duplicates = (a) -> [...new Set(a)] random_integer = (min, max) -> Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min random_element = (a) -> a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)] n_times = (n, f) -> Array.from({length: n}, (_, i) -> f(i)) sum = (a) -> a.reduce ((b, a) -> b + a), 0 mean = (a) -> sum(a) / a.length intersection = (a, b) -> a.filter (c) -> b.includes c is_function = (a) -> typeof a is "function" is_string = (a) -> typeof a is "string" is_plain_object = (a) -> a? and typeof a is "object" and a.constructor is Object median = (a) -> sorted = a.slice().sort((a, b) -> a - b) sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length / 2)] # add value to an array stored under key in object object_array_add = (object, key, value) -> (object[key] ||= []).push value # sort elements in array by the given example order in sorting sort_by_array = (a, sorting) -> a.sort (x, y) -> sorting.indexOf(x) - sorting.indexOf(y) # delete duplicates while keeping the order the same delete_duplicates_stable = (a) -> seen = new Set() a.filter((item) -> seen.has(item) ? false : (seen.add(item), true)) # array shuffle randomize = (a) -> for i in a.length - 1 .. 1 j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)) [a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]] a plain_object_merge = (a, b) -> for k, v of b if @is_plain_object(v) and @is_plain_object(a[k]) a[k] = @object_merge a[k], v else a[k] = v a ~~~