# rate move files into 1/2/3/n rating directories. the most efficient way to sort and access large numbers of files by quality or relevancy. ## usage rate options ... number path ... ## description this program sorts files by moving them into and between numerically named directories. first it searches upwards to see if a numeric directory name exists in path, if yes, then only the file hierarchy under that number is moved into a directory with the given number. if no numeric directory exists in path, a numeric directory is created in the current working directory and given paths are moved under there. ## examples: ~~~ cwd: / rate 2 /a/0/b/c -> /a/2/b/c ~~~ ~~~ cwd: / rate 2 /a/b/c -> /2/a/b/c ~~~ ~~~ cwd: /a/b rate 2 /a/b/c -> /a/b/2/c ~~~ ## options ~~~ --help | -h --interface show a machine readable cli specification ~~~ # dependencies * [guile](https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/) * [sph-lib](https://github.com/sph-mn/sph-lib) # license * gpl3+ # installation * install dependencies * execute ./exe/install # custom thunar right-click-menu actions ## option: manually add with commands like this ~~~ rate 1 %F ~~~ ## option: insert the ready-made code this adds five new right-click commands in thunar: * rate 1 * rate 2 * rate 3 * rate 4 * rate 5 insert the contents of [other/uca.xml](other/uca.xml) between the action and /action tags in $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml. if uca.xml does not yet exist, it can be initialized with the following content or by creating the first custom command via the thunar gui. ~~~ ~~~ # possible enhancements * reduce dependencies * rewrite in c