# emacs * color-theme-sph: a color theme in three versions: dark, light, monochrome * sph-scheme-mode: a simpler, faster, standalone emacs mode for editing scheme with regular indentation where indent depth corresponds to nesting depth ## sph-scheme-mode * syntax highlighting and indentation * regular indentation - every nesting step is represented by the same width * highlighting of identifiers in definitions (with different colors for variable, procedure and syntax definitions) * srfi-62 #;() s-exp comment support * strategic syntax highlighting for only a few keywords per default: (if q l debug-log) ### versus scheme-mode (scheme.el) * scheme-mode includes support for the dsssl-language and many additions for specific implementations * lisp/scheme-mode indentation handling takes more than 500 lines, vs ~20 in this implementation using regular indentation * ~600 lines to ~200 * sph-scheme-mode is much faster * it is perhaps also a minimal example for learning how to write an emacs mode ### installation move the .el file to a location you seem fitting - the user specific configuration directory like .emacs.d/lisp perhaps, or system-wide like /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp. include it in your emacs configuration, $HOME/.emacs, with a line like (load-library \"~/path-to/sph-scheme-mode.elc\")" add the following to your emacs config file (require (quote sph-scheme-mode)) when the file has been loaded, activate with M-x sph-scheme-mode ## color theme preview: ![color theme dark](emacs/color-theme/dark.png?raw=true) ![color theme monochrome](emacs/color-theme/monochrome.png?raw=true) # scheme/fun guile modules that depend on [sph-lib](https://github.com/sph-mn/sph-lib) # hypercube projections ga-hypercubes contains code for hypercube rotation animations in the browser and another readme