(define-module (sph lang scm-format format)) (export format-application format-docstring format-hash-bang format-lambda format-let format-library format-list format-list-assoc format-list-f format-quasiquote format-quasisyntax format-quote format-range-comment format-scsh-block-comment format-semicolon-comment format-string format-syntax format-test-module format-unquote format-unsyntax format-vector string-join-with-vertical-spacing) (use-modules (ice-9 match) (sph) (sph hashtable) (sph lang scm-format base) (sph list) (sph string) ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (second last)) (sph tree)) (define sph-lang-scm-format-format-description "formatters for individual expressions") (define (round-even a) "number -> integer floor to the nearest even integer" (let (a (inexact->exact (round a))) (+ a (modulo a 2)))) (define (add-multiple-leading-parenthesis-spacing config lines) "( (content ..." (if (and (ht-ref config (q multiple-leading-parenthesis-spacing)) (< 1 (length lines))) (map (l (a) (if (string-contains a "\n") (consecutive-parentheses-indentation a (ht-ref config (q indent-string))) a)) lines) lines)) (define-syntax-rule (create-indent config current-indent) (string-multiply (ht-ref config (q indent-string)) current-indent)) (define-syntax-rule (create-vertical-spacing spacing-value) (string-multiply "\n" (+ 1 spacing-value))) (define-syntax-rule (create-vertical-spacing* spacing) (if (string? spacing) spacing (create-vertical-spacing spacing))) (define (format-import a recurse config current-indent) (format-list (format-import-spec a recurse config (+ 1 current-indent)) config current-indent 1 1 1)) (define (format-import-map proc a) (map (l (a) (if (symbol? a) (symbol->string a) (if (null? a) "()" (proc a)))) a)) (define (format-import-set a recurse config current-indent) (case (first a) ( (except library only prefix rename) (format-list (format-import-map (l (a) (format-import-set a recurse config (+ 1 current-indent))) a) config current-indent (if (> (length a) 4) 2 (inf)) 1 1)) (else (if (comment? a) (first (recurse a (+ current-indent 1))) (format-list a config (+ 1 current-indent) (inf) (inf) (inf)))))) (define (format-import-spec a recurse config current-indent) (format-import-map (l (a) (if (eqv? (q for) (first a)) (format-list (match a ( (for import-set import-level ...) (pairs for (format-import-set import-set recurse config current-indent) import-level))) config current-indent (inf) (inf) (inf)) (format-import-set a recurse config current-indent))) a)) (define-syntax-rule (handle-newline-subexpression rest expr-string line r) (list (pair (if (and (not (null? (tail rest))) (string-suffix? "\n" expr-string)) (string-drop-right expr-string 1) expr-string) (if (null? line) r (pair (string-join (reverse line) " ") r))) (list) 0 0)) (define (map-recurse recurse a indent) (map (l (a) (first (recurse a indent))) a)) (define (parenthesize-indented-list indent a) (string-append "(" a (if (string-suffix? "\n" a) (string-append indent ")") ")"))) (define (consecutive-parentheses-indentation a indent-string) "string string -> string offsets leading parentheses on one line by the level of idendation. example: ( (" (let (index (string-skip a #\()) (if (and index (> index 1)) (string-append (string-join (string-split (substring a 0 (- index 1)) #\() (string-append "(" (string-drop indent-string 1))) "(" (substring a index)) a))) (define-syntax-rule (line-full? expr-length indent-length line-expr-count line-expr-length rest max-chars-per-line max-exprs-per-line-end max-exprs-per-line-middle max-exprs-per-line-start r) (let (line-length (+ (+ line-expr-length (- line-expr-count 1)) indent-length)) (and (not (and (null? r) (<= (+ line-length (apply + (map first rest)) (- (length rest) 1)) max-chars-per-line))) (or (> (+ line-length (apply + (map first rest)) (- (length rest) 1)) max-chars-per-line) (>= (length rest) max-exprs-per-line-end)) (or (= (if (null? r) max-exprs-per-line-start max-exprs-per-line-middle) line-expr-count) (> (+ line-length expr-length) max-chars-per-line))))) (define-syntax-rule (line-full-max-exprs? result rest line-expr-count max-exprs-per-line-start max-exprs-per-line-end max-exprs-per-line-middle) (and (>= (length rest) max-exprs-per-line-end) (= (if (null? result) max-exprs-per-line-start max-exprs-per-line-middle) line-expr-count))) (define (format-application-pair-fold-f config current-indent) "hashtable integer -> list cache config values and return a procedure to be called for each pair of a list returned by format-application-prepare-exprs. max-exprs-per-line-assoc keeps this number of expressions either on one line or each on a separate line" (ht-bind config (indent-string max-chars-per-line max-exprs-per-line-start max-exprs-per-line-middle max-exprs-per-line-end max-exprs-per-line-assoc) (let (indent-length (* current-indent (string-length indent-string))) (l (rest result line line-expr-length line-expr-count) (let* ((a (first rest)) (expr-length (first a)) (expr-string (tail a))) (if (string-contains expr-string "\n") (handle-newline-subexpression rest expr-string line result) (if (line-full? expr-length indent-length line-expr-count line-expr-length rest max-chars-per-line max-exprs-per-line-end max-exprs-per-line-middle max-exprs-per-line-start result) (list (if (null? line) result (pair (string-join (reverse line) " ") result)) (list expr-string) expr-length (if (line-full-max-exprs? result rest line-expr-count max-exprs-per-line-start max-exprs-per-line-end max-exprs-per-line-middle) 1 max-exprs-per-line-assoc)) (list result (pair expr-string line) (+ line-expr-length expr-length) (+ 1 line-expr-count))))))))) (define (format-application a config current-indent) "list hashtable integer -> string format the standard list application form. example (append a b)" (let* ((indent (create-indent config current-indent)) (line-spacing (string-append "\n" indent))) (apply (l (result line . rest) (parenthesize-indented-list indent (string-join (add-multiple-leading-parenthesis-spacing config (reverse (if (null? line) result (pair (string-join (reverse line) " ") result)))) line-spacing))) (pair-fold-multiple (format-application-pair-fold-f config current-indent) (map (l (a) "any -> (integer:string-length string)" (let (a-string (any->string a)) (pair (string-length a-string) a-string))) a) (list) (list) 1 0)))) (define (format-docstring a offset-doublequote indent-string current-indent) "string hashtable integer -> string parses a string and removes outside string indent from using newlines in a continuous string that is indented. adds current indent to all lines except the first. since old-indent is not available here, old-indent is guessed from the second line. if the second line is indented relative to the first line, this indent will unfortunately be removed for all lines" (if (string-null? indent-string) (raise (pair (q invalid-indent-string) indent-string)) (let* ( (indent (string-multiply indent-string current-indent)) (second-line-index (string-index a #\newline))) (format-docstring-string (if second-line-index (let* ( (indent-length (or (string-skip-string (substring a (+ 1 second-line-index)) indent-string) 0)) (indent-end-index (+ second-line-index indent-length)) (indent-to-remove (if (= second-line-index indent-end-index) "" (substring a (+ 1 second-line-index) indent-end-index)))) (if offset-doublequote (let (lines (string-split a #\newline)) (string-join (pair (first lines) (map (l (a) (let* ( (a (string-drop-prefix-if-exists indent-to-remove a)) (space-count (or (string-skip a #\space) 0))) (if (even? space-count) (string-append indent " " a) (string-append indent a)))) (tail lines))) "\n")) (string-replace-string a (string-append "\n" indent-to-remove) (string-append "\n" indent)))) a))))) (define (format-hash-bang a recurse config current-indent) (list (string-append "#!" (first (tail a)) "\n!#") #f)) (define (format-lambda a recurse config current-indent) (list (format-list (pair (first a) (match (tail a) ( (formals body ...) (pair (if (list? formals) (format-list (map-recurse recurse formals current-indent) config (+ 1 current-indent) (inf) 1 1) formals) (if (null? body) body (if (string? (first body)) (pair (format-docstring (first body) (ht-ref-q config docstring-offset-doublequote) (ht-ref-q config indent-string) current-indent) (map-recurse recurse (tail body) current-indent)) (map-recurse recurse body current-indent))))) (_ (tail a)))) config current-indent 3 (ht-ref config (q max-exprs-per-line-middle)) (ht-ref config (q max-exprs-per-line-end))) #f)) (define (format-let a recurse config current-indent) (list (format-application (map-recurse recurse a current-indent) (match a ( (let (? symbol?) _ ...) (ht-copy* config (l (a) (ht-set-multiple! a (q max-exprs-per-line-start) 3)))) (else config)) current-indent) #f)) (define (format-test-module a recurse config current-indent) "list procedure hashtable integer -> string" (list (if (= 1 current-indent) (let ( (indent (create-indent config current-indent)) (vertical-spacing (create-vertical-spacing (ht-ref config (q toplevel-vertical-spacing))))) (match (tail a) ( (name imports body ...) (apply string-append "(" (symbol->string (first a)) " " (format-list name config current-indent (inf) (inf) (inf)) "\n" indent (format-import imports recurse config (+ 1 current-indent)) (if (null? body) (list ")") (list vertical-spacing indent (string-join-with-vertical-spacing (map (l (e) (first (recurse e current-indent))) body) indent vertical-spacing (ht-ref config (q toplevel-vertical-spacing-oneline))) ")")))) (_ a))) a) #f)) (define (format-library a recurse config current-indent) "list procedure hashtable integer -> string" (list (if (= 1 current-indent) (let ( (indent (create-indent config current-indent)) (vertical-spacing (create-vertical-spacing (ht-ref config (q toplevel-vertical-spacing))))) (match (tail a) ( (name exports imports body ...) (apply string-append "(" (symbol->string (first a)) " " (format-list name config current-indent (inf) (inf) (inf)) "\n" indent (format-import exports recurse config (+ 1 current-indent)) "\n" indent (format-import imports recurse config (+ 1 current-indent)) (if (null? body) (list ")") (list vertical-spacing indent (string-join-with-vertical-spacing (map (l (e) (first (recurse e current-indent))) body) indent vertical-spacing (ht-ref config (q toplevel-vertical-spacing-oneline))) ")")))) (_ a))) a) #f)) (define (format-read-syntax-quote prefix a recurse config current-indent) (list (if (ht-ref config (q use-read-syntax-quote)) (string-append prefix (first (recurse (second a) current-indent))) (format-application (map-recurse recurse a current-indent) config current-indent)) #f)) (define (format-quote . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "'" a)) (define (format-quasiquote . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "`" a)) (define (format-unquote . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "," a)) (define (format-syntax . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "#'" a)) (define (format-quasisyntax . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "#`" a)) (define (format-unsyntax . a) (apply format-read-syntax-quote "#," a)) (define (format-list a config current-indent start middle end) "helper that customises config start/middle/end" (format-application a (ht-copy* config (l (a) (ht-set-multiple! a (q max-exprs-per-line-start) start (q max-exprs-per-line-middle) middle (q max-exprs-per-line-end) end))) current-indent)) (define (inf-if-zero a) (if (zero? a) (inf) a)) (define (format-list-f start mid end) "integer integer integer -> procedure:{any:expression recurse config indent -> (result false)} return a function for descend-prefix->format-f that formats a list with the given start/mid/end expression distribution" (let ((start (inf-if-zero start)) (mid (inf-if-zero mid)) (end (inf-if-zero end))) (l (a recurse config indent) (list (format-list (map-recurse recurse a indent) config indent start mid end) #f)))) (define (format-list-assoc a recurse config current-indent) (list (match a ( (let-macro (assoc ...) body ...) (format-application (pairs (q let-macro) (format-application (map-recurse recurse assoc (+ 1 current-indent)) (let* ((n (ht-ref config (q max-exprs-per-line-start))) (n (- n (modulo n 2)))) (ht-copy* config (l (a) (ht-set-multiple! a (q max-exprs-per-line-start) n (q max-exprs-per-line-end) n)))) (+ 1 current-indent)) (map-recurse recurse body current-indent)) config current-indent)) (_ a)) #f)) (define (format-range-comment a recurse config current-indent) (list (string-append "#;(" (string-join (tail a) (string-append "\n" (string-multiply (ht-ref config (q indent-string)) current-indent))) ")") #f)) (define (format-semicolon-comment a recurse config current-indent) (apply (l (content semicolon-count) (list (string-append (string-multiply ";" semicolon-count) " " content "\n") #f)) (tail a))) (define (format-scsh-block-comment a recurse config current-indent) (list (string-append "#!" (first (tail a)) "!#\n") #f)) (define (format-docstring-string a . rest) (string-replace-string (format-string a) "\\n" "\n")) (define (format-string a . rest) (any->string-write a)) (define (multiline-expression? a) "string -> boolean" (let (index-newline (string-contains a "\n")) (and index-newline (< index-newline (- (string-length a) 1))))) (define (string-remove-trailing-newline a) (if (string-suffix? "\n" a) (string-drop-right a 1) a)) (define string-join-with-vertical-spacing (let ( (join-oneline (l (a indent vertical-spacing-oneline) (let* ( (vertical-spacing (string-append (create-vertical-spacing* vertical-spacing-oneline) indent)) (leading (map-consecutive (l (e) (not (or (string-null? e) (multiline-expression? e)))) (l matches (interleave (map string-remove-trailing-newline matches) vertical-spacing)) a)) (index-last (- (length leading) 1))) (map-with-index (l (index e) (if (= index-last index) (if (list? e) (apply string-append (if (string-prefix? ";" (last e)) (append e (list "\n")) e)) (if (string-prefix? ";" e) (string-append e "\n") e)) (if (list? e) (apply string-append e) e))) leading)))) (join-multiline (l (a indent vertical-spacing) (let (index-last (- (length a) 1)) (string-join (map-with-index (l (index e) (if (= index index-last) e (string-remove-trailing-newline e))) a) (string-append (create-vertical-spacing* vertical-spacing) indent)))))) (l (a indent vertical-spacing vertical-spacing-oneline) "(string ...) string string string -> string join expressions eventually with empty lines inbetween them" (if (null? a) "" (if (= 1 (length a)) (first a) (join-multiline (join-oneline a indent vertical-spacing-oneline) indent vertical-spacing))))))