走 zou3 1 8107 "走进 走向 走过 走去" "走 zou3 to walk; to go; to run; to move (of vehicle); to visit; to leave; to go away; to die (euph.); from; through; to change (shape, form, meaning) 走进 zou3jin4 to enter 走向 zou3xiang4 direction; strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology); inclination; trend; to move towards; to head for 走过 zou3guo4 to walk past; to pass by 走去 zou3qu4 to walk over (to)" 窄 zhai3 1 8106 狭窄 "窄 zhai3 narrow; narrow-minded; badly off 狭窄 xia2zhai3 narrow" 谮 zen4 1 8105 "谮 zen4 to slander" 怎 zen3 1 8104 "怎么 怎样 怎么样 怎么办" "怎 zen3 how 怎么 zen3me5 how?; what?; why? 怎样 zen3yang4 how; what kind 怎么样 zen3me5yang4 how?; how about?; how was it?; how are things? 怎么办 zen3me5ban4 what's to be done" 凿 zao2 1 8103 "确凿 开凿" "凿 zao2 chisel; to bore a hole; to chisel or dig; (literary) (bound form) certain; authentic; irrefutable 确凿 que4zao2 definite; conclusive; undeniable; authentic 开凿 kai1zao2 to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)" 驵 zang3 1 8102 "驵 zang3 powerful horse" 远 yuan3 1 8101 "永远 远远 远处 遥远" "远 yuan3 far; distant; remote; (intensifier in a comparison) by far; much (lower etc) 永远 yong3yuan3 forever; eternal 远远 yuan3yuan3 distant; by far 远处 yuan3chu4 distant place 遥远 yao2yuan3 distant; remote" 徐 xu2 1 8100 "徐徐 徐州" "徐 xu2 slowly; gently 徐徐 xu2xu2 slowly; gently 徐州 xu2zhou1 xuzhou, prefecture-level city in jiangsu" 伈 xin3 1 8099 "伈 xin3 nervous; fearful" 我 wo3 1 8098 "我们 我国 自我 我方" "我 wo3 i; me; my 我们 wo3men5 we; us; ourselves; our 我国 wo3guo2 our country; china 自我 zi4wo3 self-; ego (psychology) 我方 wo3fang1 our side; we" 蓊 weng3 1 8097 "蓊 weng3 luxuriant vegetation" 外 wai4 1 8096 "另外 国外 外国 之外" "外 wai4 outside; in addition; foreign; external 另外 ling4wai4 additional; in addition; besides; separate; other; moreover; furthermore 国外 guo2wai4 abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 外国 wai4guo2 foreign (country) 之外 zhi1wai4 outside; excluding" 崴 wai3 1 8095 "崴 wai3 to sprain (one's ankle)" 歪 wai1 1 8094 "歪曲 歪斜" "歪 wai1 askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious; (coll.) to lie on one's side 歪曲 wai1qu1 to distort; to misrepresent 歪斜 wai1xie2 crooked; askew; oblique; slanting; out of plumb" 娃 wa2 1 8093 "娃娃 娃儿 女娃 娃子" "娃 wa2 baby; doll 娃娃 wa2wa5 baby; small child; doll 娃儿 wa2er2 children (colloquial) 女娃 nü3wa2 (dialect) girl 娃子 wa2zi5 baby; small child; (arch.) slave among ethnic minorities" 氽 tun3 1 8092 "氽 tun3 to float; to deep-fry" 腿 tui3 1 8091 "大腿 双腿 小腿 火腿" "腿 tui3 leg; hip bone 大腿 da4tui3 thigh 双腿 shuang1tui3 legs; both legs; two legs 小腿 xiao3tui3 lower leg (from knee to ankle); shank 火腿 huo3tui3 ham" 彖 tuan4 1 8090 疃 tuan3 1 8089 "疃 tuan3 village; animal track" 透 tou4 1 8088 "透露 透过 透明 渗透" "透 tou4 (bound form) to penetrate; to seep through; to tell secretly; to leak; thoroughly; through and through; to appear; to show 透露 tou4lu4 to leak out; to divulge; to reveal 透过 tou4guo4 to pass through; to penetrate; by means of; via 透明 tou4ming2 transparent; (fig.) transparent; open to scrutiny 渗透 shen4tou4 (lit. and fig.) to permeate; to seep into; (of a product, idea etc) to penetrate (in a population); (of hostile forces) to infiltrate; (chemistry) osmosis" 偷 tou1 1 8087 "偷偷 小偷 偷看 偷懒" "偷 tou1 to steal; to pilfer; to snatch; thief; stealthily 偷偷 tou1tou1 stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly 小偷 xiao3tou1 thief 偷看 tou1kan4 to peep; to peek; to steal a glance 偷懒 tou1lan3 to goof off; to be lazy" 熥 teng1 1 8086 "熥 teng1 to heat up (cooked food) by baking or steaming" 套 tao4 1 8085 "配套 外套 手套 套装" "套 tao4 to cover; to encase; cover; sheath; to overlap; to interleave; to model after; to copy; formula; harness; loop of rope; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; classifier for sets, collections; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names) 配套 pei4tao4 to form a complete set; compatible; matching; complementary 外套 wai4tao4 coat; jacket 手套 shou3tao4 glove; mitten 套装 tao4zhuang1 outfit or suit (of clothes); set of coordinated items; kit" 讨 tao3 1 8084 "讨论 讨厌 探讨 检讨" "讨 tao3 to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study 讨论 tao3lun4 to discuss; to talk over 讨厌 tao3yan4 to dislike; to loathe; disagreeable; troublesome; annoying 探讨 tan4tao3 to investigate; to probe 检讨 jian3tao3 to examine or inspect; self-criticism; review" 髓 sui3 1 8083 "精髓 骨髓 脊髓" "髓 sui3 marrow; essence; quintessence; pith (soft interior of plant stem) 精髓 jing1sui3 marrow; pith; quintessence; essence 骨髓 gu3sui3 bone marrow (medulla ossea) 脊髓 ji3sui3 spinal cord; medulla spinalis" 俗 su2 1 8082 "习俗 世俗 风俗 通俗" "俗 su2 custom; convention; popular; common; coarse; vulgar; secular 习俗 xi2su2 custom; tradition; local tradition; convention 世俗 shi4su2 profane; secular; worldly 风俗 feng1su2 social custom 通俗 tong1su2 common; everyday; average" 死 si3 1 8081 "死亡 打死 死去 死者" "死 si3 to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid; extremely; damned 死亡 si3wang2 to die; death 打死 da3si3 to kill; to beat to death 死去 si3qu4 to die 死者 si3zhe3 the dead; the deceased" 水 shui3 1 8080 "水平 泪水 水果 水泥" "水 shui3 water; river; liquid; beverage; additional charges or income; (of clothes) classifier for number of washes 水平 shui3ping2 level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal 泪水 lei4shui3 teardrop; tears 水果 shui3guo3 fruit 水泥 shui3ni2 cement" 爽 shuang3 1 8079 "不爽 爽快 清爽 凉爽" "爽 shuang3 bright; clear; crisp; open; frank; straightforward; to feel well; fine; pleasurable; invigorating; to deviate 不爽 bu4shuang3 not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate 爽快 shuang3kuai5 refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward 清爽 qing1shuang3 fresh and cool; relaxed 凉爽 liang2shuang3 cool and refreshing" 甩 shuai3 1 8078 "甩掉 甩开 甩手 甩卖" "甩 shuai3 to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off; to dump (sb) 甩掉 shuai3diao4 to throw off; to abandon; to cast off; to get rid of; to dump 甩开 shuai3kai1 to shake off; to get rid of 甩手 shuai3shou3 to swing one's arms; to wash one's hands of sth 甩卖 shuai3mai4 to mark down (the price of goods); to sell off cheap" 耍 shua3 1 8077 "玩耍 耍赖 杂耍 戏耍" "耍 shua3 to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc) 玩耍 wan2shua3 to play (as children do); to amuse oneself 耍赖 shua3lai4 to act shamelessly; to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc; to act dumb; to act as if sth never happened 杂耍 za2shua3 a sideshow; vaudeville; juggling 戏耍 xi4shua3 to amuse oneself; to play with; to tease" 收 shou1 1 8076 "收入 收到 收费 收藏" "收 shou1 to receive; to accept; to collect; to put away; to restrain; to stop; in care of (used on address line after name) 收入 shou1ru4 to take in; income; revenue 收到 shou1dao4 to receive 收费 shou1fei4 to charge a fee 收藏 shou1cang2 to collect (works of art, dolls, antiques etc); to put away for safekeeping; (internet) to bookmark; a collection" 绳 sheng2 1 8075 "绳子 绳索 跳绳 缰绳" "绳 sheng2 rope 绳子 sheng2zi5 cord; string; rope 绳索 sheng2suo3 rope 跳绳 tiao4sheng2 to jump rope; jump rope 缰绳 jiang1sheng2 reins" 谁 shei2 1 8074 谁知 "谁 shei2 who 谁知 shei2zhi1 who would have thought; unexpectedly" 晒 shai4 1 8073 "防晒 晒干 暴晒 曝晒" "晒 shai4 (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to 防晒 fang2shai4 sunburn protection 晒干 shai4gan1 to dry in the sun 暴晒 bao4shai4 (of the sun) to scorch; to expose to a scorching sun 曝晒 pu4shai4 to expose to strong sunlight" 筛 shai1 1 8072 "筛选 筛子" "筛 shai1 to filter; to sift; to sieve 筛选 shai1xuan3 to filter 筛子 shai1zi5 sieve" 傻 sha3 1 8071 "傻瓜 傻子 傻笑 傻眼" "傻 sha3 foolish 傻瓜 sha3gua1 idiot; fool 傻子 sha3zi5 idiot; fool 傻笑 sha3xiao4 to giggle; to laugh foolishly; to smirk; to simper 傻眼 sha3yan3 stunned; struck dumb; flabbergasted" 啥 sha2 1 8070 "啥子 sha2zi5 (dialect) what" 僧 seng1 1 8069 "高僧 僧侣" "僧人 seng1ren2 monk 高僧 gao1seng1 a senior monk 僧侣 seng1lü3 monk" 森 sen1 1 8068 "森林 森严 阴森 森森" "森 sen1 forest 森林 sen1lin2 forest 森严 sen1yan2 strict; rigid; tight (security) 阴森 yin1sen1 gloomy; sinister; eerie 森森 sen1sen1 dense (of trees); thick; ghastly; eerie" 蕊 rui3 1 8067 花蕊 "蕊 rui3 stamen; pistil 花蕊 hua1rui3 stamen; pistil" 蕤 rui2 1 8066 "蕤 rui2 fringe; overladen with flowers" 堧 ruan2 1 8065 "堧 ruan2 adjoin" 肉 rou4 1 8064 "肌肉 牛肉 肉体 羊肉" "肉 rou4 meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; kangxi radical 130 肌肉 ji1rou4 muscle; flesh 牛肉 niu2rou4 beef 肉体 rou4ti3 physical body 羊肉 yang2rou4 mutton; goat meat" 冗 rong3 1 8063 冗长 "冗 rong3 extraneous; redundant; superfluous; busy schedule 冗长 rong3chang2 long and tedious; redundant; superfluous; supernumerary; verbose (of writing)" 仍 reng2 1 8062 "仍然 仍旧" "仍 reng2 still; yet; to remain; (literary) frequently; often 仍然 reng2ran2 still; as before; yet 仍旧 reng2jiu4 still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet" 扔 reng1 1 8061 "扔掉 扔下" "扔 reng1 to throw; to throw away 扔掉 reng1diao4 to throw away; to throw out 扔下 reng1xia4 to throw down; to drop (bomb)" 热 re4 1 8060 "热情 热闹 热爱 热烈" "热 re4 to warm up; to heat up; hot (of weather); heat; fervent 热情 re4qing2 cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately 热闹 re4nao5 bustling with noise and excitement; lively 热爱 re4ai4 to love ardently; to adore 热烈 re4lie4 enthusiastic; ardent; warm" 绕 rao4 1 8059 "围绕 环绕 绕过 缠绕" "绕 rao4 to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour 围绕 wei2rao4 to revolve around; to center on (an issue) 环绕 huan2rao4 to surround; to circle; to revolve around 绕过 rao4guo4 to detour; to bypass; to circumvent; to avoid; to wind around (of a road etc) 缠绕 chan2rao4 twisting; to twine; to wind; to pester; to bother" 扰 rao3 1 8058 "干扰 打扰 骚扰 困扰" "扰 rao3 to disturb 干扰 gan1rao3 to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) 打扰 da3rao3 to disturb; to bother; to trouble 骚扰 sao1rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass 困扰 kun4rao3 to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications" 瘸 que2 1 8057 "瘸子 瘸腿" "瘸 que2 lame 瘸子 que2zi5 lame person (colloquial) 瘸腿 que2tui3 crippled; lame; a cripple; a lame person" 糗 qiu3 1 8056 "糗 qiu3 dry rations (for a journey); (dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking); (coll.) embarrassing; embarrassment" 且 qie3 1 8055 "而且 并且 况且 暂且" "且 qie3 and; moreover; yet; for the time being; to be about to; both (... and...) 而且 er2qie3 (not only ...) but also; moreover; in addition; furthermore 并且 bing4qie3 and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 况且 kuang4qie3 moreover; besides; in addition; furthermore 暂且 zan4qie3 for now; for the time being; temporarily" 拤 qia2 1 8054 "拤 qia2 to grip with both hands; to put one's hands on (one's hips)" 剖 pou1 1 8053 "解剖 剖析" "剖 pou1 to cut open; to analyze 解剖 jie3pou1 to dissect (an animal); to analyze; anatomy 剖析 pou1xi1 to analyze; to dissect" 品 pin3 1 8052 "产品 作品 品牌 商品" "品 pin3 (bound form) article; commodity; product; goods; (bound form) grade; rank; kind; type; variety; character; disposition; nature; temperament; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 产品 chan3pin3 goods; merchandise; product 作品 zuo4pin3 work (of art); opus 品牌 pin3pai2 brand name; trademark 商品 shang1pin3 commodity; goods; merchandise" 捧 peng3 1 8051 "捧场 吹捧" "捧 peng3 to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter 捧场 peng3chang3 to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge); to root for sb; to sing sb's praises; to flatter 吹捧 chui1peng3 to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation" 喷 pen1 1 8050 "喷泉 喷出 喷射 喷嚏" "喷 pen1 to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt 喷泉 pen1quan2 fountain 喷出 pen1chu1 spout; spray; belch; to well up; to puff out; to spurt out 喷射 pen1she4 to spurt; to spray; to jet; spurt; spray; jet 喷嚏 pen1ti4 sneeze" 耪 pang3 1 8049 "耪 pang3 to hoe" 拍 pai1 1 8048 "拍摄 拍照 拍卖 拍打" "拍 pai1 to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 拍摄 pai1she4 to take (a picture); to shoot (a film) 拍照 pai1zhao4 to take a picture 拍卖 pai1mai4 to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price 拍打 pai1da5 to pat; to slap; (of a bird) to flap (one's wings)" 暖 nuan3 1 8047 "温暖 暖气 暖和 取暖" "暖 nuan3 warm; to warm 温暖 wen1nuan3 warm 暖气 nuan3qi4 central heating; heater; warm air 暖和 nuan3huo5 warm; nice and warm 取暖 qu3nuan3 to warm oneself (by a fire etc)" 耨 nou4 1 8046 "耨 nou4 hoe; to hoe; to weed" 牛 niu2 1 8045 "牛奶 牛肉 牛津 牛仔" "牛 niu2 ox; cow; bull; (slang) awesome 牛奶 niu2nai3 cow's milk 牛肉 niu2rou4 beef 牛津 niu2jin1 oxford (city in england) 牛仔 niu2zai3 cowboy" 妞 niu1 1 8044 "妞 niu1 girl" 您 nin2 1 8043 捏 nie1 1 8042 "捏造 拿捏 扭捏" "捏 nie1 to hold between the thumb and fingers; to pinch; to mold (using the fingers); to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.); to join together; to fabricate (a story, a report, etc) 捏造 nie1zao4 to make up; to fabricate 拿捏 na2nie1 to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties 扭捏 niu3nie5 affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered" 酿 niang4 1 8041 "酝酿 酿成 酿酒 酿造" "酿 niang4 to ferment; to brew; to make honey (of bees); to lead to; to form gradually; wine; stuffed vegetables (cooking method) 酝酿 yun4niang4 (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions 酿成 niang4cheng2 to make (wine or spirits); (fig.) to lead to (a bad result) 酿酒 niang4jiu3 to make a fermented drink (i.e. to brew beer, make wine etc) 酿造 niang4zao4 to brew; to make (wine, vinegar, soybean paste etc) by fermentation" 娘 niang2 1 8040 "姑娘 新娘 大娘 娘家" "娘 niang2 mother; young lady; (coll.) effeminate 姑娘 gu1niang5 girl; young woman; young lady; daughter 新娘 xin1niang2 bride 大娘 da4niang2 (coll.) father's older brother's wife; aunt (polite address) 娘家 niang2jia5 married woman's parents' home" 妮 ni1 1 8039 "安妮 妮子" "妮 ni1 girl 安妮 an1ni1 annie (name) 妮子 ni1zi5 (coll.) lass; (dialect) little girl" 能 neng2 1 8038 "不能 可能 能够 只能" "能 neng2 can; to be able to; might possibly; ability; (physics) energy 不能 bu4neng2 cannot; must not; should not 可能 ke3neng2 might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps 能够 neng2gou4 to be capable of; to be able to; can 只能 zhi3neng2 can only; obliged to do sth; to have no other choice" 内 nei4 1 8037 "内容 国内 内心 内部" "内 nei4 inside; inner; internal; within; interior 内容 nei4rong2 content; substance; details 国内 guo2nei4 domestic; internal (to a country); civil 内心 nei4xin1 heart; innermost being; (math.) incenter 内部 nei4bu4 interior; inside (part, section); internal" 馁 nei3 1 8036 气馁 "馁 nei3 (bound form) hungry; starving; (bound form) dispirited; (literary) (of fish) putrid 气馁 qi4nei3 to be discouraged" 讷 ne4 1 8035 木讷 "讷 ne4 to speak slowly; inarticulate 木讷 mu4ne4 wooden and slow of speech; slow-speeched; inarticulate; unsophisticated" 孬 nao1 1 8034 齉 nang4 1 8033 "齉 nang4 stuffy (nose); nasal (voice)" 囡 nan1 1 8032 囡囡 "囡 nan1 child; daughter 囡囡 nan1nan1 little darling; baby" 某 mou3 1 8031 "某些 某种 某人 某某" "某 mou3 some; a certain; sb or sth indefinite; such-and-such 某些 mou3xie1 some; certain (things) 某种 mou3zhong3 some kind (of) 某人 mou3ren2 someone; a certain person; some people; i (self-address after one's surname) 某某 mou3mou3 so-and-so; such-and-such" 哞 mou1 1 8030 "哞 mou1 moo (sound made by cow)" 摸 mo1 1 8029 "抚摸 摸索 触摸 捉摸" "摸 mo1 to feel with the hand; to touch; to stroke; to grope; to steal; to abstract 抚摸 fu3mo1 to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle 摸索 mo1suo5 to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to do things slowly 触摸 chu4mo1 to touch 捉摸 zhuo1mo1 to fathom; to make sense of; to grasp" 命 ming4 1 8028 "生命 革命 命运 命令" "命 ming4 life; fate; order or command; to assign a name, title etc 生命 sheng1ming4 life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature 革命 ge2ming4 to withdraw the mandate of heaven (and transition to a new dynasty) (original meaning); revolution; revolutionary; to revolt (against sb or sth); to revolutionize (sth) 命运 ming4yun4 fate; destiny 命令 ming4ling4 order; command" 酩 ming3 1 8027 喵 miao1 1 8026 "喵 miao1 cat's mewing" 猫 mao1 1 8025 "熊猫 野猫 猫眼 猫腻" "猫 mao1 cat; (dialect) to hide oneself; (coll.) modem 熊猫 xiong2mao1 panda 野猫 ye3mao1 wildcat; stray cat 猫眼 mao1yan3 peephole; chrysoberyl 猫腻 mao1ni4 (coll.) something fishy; shenanigans" 牤 mang1 1 8024 "牤 mang1 bull" 𫭢 lun3 1 8023 抡 lun1 1 8022 "抡 lun1 to swing (one's arms, a heavy object); to wave (a sword, one's fists); to fling (money)" 乱 luan4 1 8021 "混乱 胡乱 慌乱 凌乱" "乱 luan4 in confusion or disorder; in a confused state of mind; disorder; upheaval; riot; illicit sexual relations; to throw into disorder; to mix up; indiscriminate; random; arbitrary 混乱 hun4luan4 confusion; chaos; disorder 胡乱 hu2luan4 careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly; at will; at random; any old how 慌乱 huang1luan4 frenetic; hurried 凌乱 ling2luan4 messy; disarrayed; disheveled" 卵 luan3 1 8020 "卵巢 卵子 卵石 排卵" "卵 luan3 egg; ovum; spawn; (coll.) testicles; (expletive) fucking 卵巢 luan3chao2 ovary 卵子 luan3zi3 ovum 卵石 luan3shi2 cobble; cobblestone; pebble 排卵 pai2luan3 to ovulate" 拎 lin1 1 8019 "拎起 拎包" "拎 lin1 to lift up; to carry in one's hand 拎起 lin1qi3 to pick up (from the ground with one's hands) 拎包 lin1bao1 handbag or shopping bag (dialect)" 咧 lie1 1 8018 咧嘴 "咧 lie3 to draw back the corners of one's mouth 咧嘴 lie3zui3 to grin" 冷 leng3 1 8017 "冷静 寒冷 冷漠 冷冷" "冷 leng3 cold 冷静 leng3jing4 calm; cool-headed; dispassionate; (of a place) deserted; quiet 寒冷 han2leng3 cold (climate); frigid; very cold 冷漠 leng3mo4 cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect 冷冷 leng3leng3 coldly" 捞 lao1 1 8016 "打捞 捕捞 捞钱" "捞 lao1 to fish up; to dredge up 打捞 da3lao1 to salvage; to dredge; to fish out (person or object from the sea) 捕捞 bu3lao1 to fish for (aquatic animals and plants); to catch 捞钱 lao1qian2 lit. to dredge for money; to make money by reprehensible means; to fish for a quick buck" 啷 lang1 1 8015 "啷 lang1 clank" 喇 la3 1 8014 喇叭 "喇 la3 (phonetic) 喇叭 la3ba5 horn (automobile etc); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet" 困 kun4 1 8013 "困难 贫困 困惑 困境" "困 kun4 to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute; sleepy; tired 困难 kun4nan5 difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 贫困 pin2kun4 impoverished; poverty 困惑 kun4huo4 bewildered; perplexed; confused; difficult problem; perplexity 困境 kun4jing4 predicament; plight" 夼 kuang3 1 8012 "夼 kuang3 low ground; hollow; depression (used in shandong place names)" 款 kuan3 1 8011 "贷款 存款 罚款 条款" "款 kuan3 section; paragraph; funds; classifier for versions or models (of a product) 贷款 dai4kuan3 a loan; to provide a loan (e.g. bank); to raise a loan (from e.g. a bank) 存款 cun2kuan3 to deposit money (in a bank etc); bank savings; bank deposit 罚款 fa2kuan3 to fine; penalty; fine (monetary) 条款 tiao2kuan3 clause (of contract or law)" 苦 ku3 1 8010 "痛苦 辛苦 艰苦 苦难" "苦 ku3 bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly 痛苦 tong4ku3 pain; suffering; painful 辛苦 xin1ku3 exhausting; hard; tough; arduous; to work hard; to go to a lot of trouble; hardship(s) 艰苦 jian1ku3 difficult; hard; arduous 苦难 ku3nan4 suffering" 口 kou3 1 8009 "门口 出口 人口 窗口" "口 kou3 mouth; classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc); classifier for bites or mouthfuls 门口 men2kou3 doorway; gate 出口 chu1kou3 an exit; to speak; to export; (of a ship) to leave port 人口 ren2kou3 population; people 窗口 chuang1kou3 window; opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window); computer operating system window; fig. medium; intermediary; showpiece; testing ground" 裉 ken4 1 8008 "裉 ken4 side seam in an upper garment" 剋 kei1 1 8007 "剋 kei1 to scold; to beat" 尻 kao1 1 8006 "尻 kao1 (literary) buttocks; rump; coccyx; sacrum" 坏 huai4 1 8005 "破坏 坏人 坏事 好坏" "坏 huai4 bad; spoiled; broken; to break down; (suffix) to the utmost 破坏 po4huai4 destruction; damage; to wreck; to break; to destroy 坏人 huai4ren2 bad person; villain 坏事 huai4shi4 bad thing; misdeed; to ruin things 好坏 hao3huai4 good or bad; good and bad; standard; quality; (coll.) very bad" 吼 hou3 1 8004 "怒吼 吼叫 吼声" "吼 hou3 to roar; to howl; to shriek; roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage 怒吼 nu4hou3 to bellow; to rave; to snarl 吼叫 hou3jiao4 to howl 吼声 hou3sheng1 roar" 齁 hou1 1 8003 "齁 hou1 to snore; thirsty from excessively salty or sweet food; (dialect) very; extremely" 恨 hen4 1 8002 "仇恨 痛恨 怨恨 憎恨" "恨 hen4 to hate; to regret 仇恨 chou2hen4 to hate; hatred; enmity; hostility 痛恨 tong4hen4 to detest; to loathe; to abhor 怨恨 yuan4hen4 to resent; to harbor a grudge against; to loathe; resentment; rancor 憎恨 zeng1hen4 to detest; hatred" 痕 hen2 1 8001 "痕迹 伤痕 疤痕 泪痕" "痕 hen2 scar; traces 痕迹 hen2ji4 vestige; mark; trace 伤痕 shang1hen2 scar; bruise 疤痕 ba1hen2 scar 泪痕 lei4hen2 tear stains" 夯 hang1 1 8000 夯实 "夯 hang1 to tamp; (slang) popular; hot 夯实 hang1shi2 to tamp; to ram (earth etc)" 棍 gun4 1 7999 "棍子 光棍 冰棍 木棍" "棍 gun4 stick; rod; truncheon 棍子 gun4zi5 stick; rod 光棍 guang1gun4 gangster; hoodlum; a single person; bachelor 冰棍 bing1gun4 popsicle; ice lolly 木棍 mu4gun4 wooden stick" 拐 guai3 1 7998 "拐杖 拐弯 拐角 拐卖" "拐 guai3 to turn (a corner etc); to kidnap; to swindle; to misappropriate; cane; walking stick; crutch; old man's staff 拐杖 guai3zhang4 crutches; crutch; walking stick 拐弯 guai3wan1 to go round a curve; to turn a corner; fig. a new direction 拐角 guai3jiao3 to turn a corner; corner 拐卖 guai3mai4 human trafficking; to abduct and sell; to kidnap and sell" 哏 gen2 1 7997 "哏 gen2 funny; amusing; sth comical" 改 gai3 1 7996 "改变 改革 修改 改善" "改 gai3 to change; to alter; to transform; to correct 改变 gai3bian4 to change; to alter; to transform 改革 gai3ge2 reform; to reform 修改 xiu1gai3 to amend; to alter; to modify 改善 gai3shan4 to make better; to improve" 尬 ga4 1 7995 尴尬 "尬 ga4 embarrassing; awkwardly 尴尬 gan1ga4 awkward; embarrassed" 粉 fen3 1 7994 "粉碎 奶粉 粉丝 面粉" "粉 fen3 powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; to turn to powder; (dialect) to whitewash; white; pink; to be a fan of 粉碎 fen3sui4 to crush; to smash; to shatter 奶粉 nai3fen3 powdered milk 粉丝 fen3si1 bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noodles; chinese vermicelli; cellophane noodles; enthusiast for sb or sth 面粉 mian4fen3 flour" 放 fang4 1 7993 "放弃 开放 放心 放下" "放 fang4 to put; to place; to release; to free; to let go; to let out; to set off (fireworks) 放弃 fang4qi4 to renounce; to abandon; to give up 开放 kai1fang4 to bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality 放心 fang4xin1 to feel relieved; to feel reassured; to be at ease 放下 fang4xia4 to lay down; to put down; to let go of; to relinquish; to set aside; to lower (the blinds etc)" 摁 en4 1 7992 "摁 en4 to press (with one's finger or hand)" 诶 ei1 1 7991 "诶 ei1 hey (to call sb)" 堆 dui1 1 7990 "堆积 堆满 堆放 堆砌" "堆 dui1 to pile up; to heap up; a mass; pile; heap; stack; large amount 堆积 dui1ji1 to pile up; to heap; accumulation 堆满 dui1man3 to pile up 堆放 dui1fang4 to pile up; to stack 堆砌 dui1qi4 lit. to pile up (bricks); to pack; fig. to pad out (writing with fancy phrases); ornate rhetoric" 短 duan3 1 7989 "短信 短暂 短期 缩短" "短 duan3 short; brief; to lack; weak point; fault 短信 duan3xin4 text message; sms 短暂 duan3zan4 of short duration; brief; momentary 短期 duan3qi1 short term; short-term 缩短 suo1duan3 to curtail; to cut down" 嗲 dia3 1 7988 "嗲 dia3 coy; childish" 扽 den4 1 7987 "扽 den4 to yank; to pull tight" 嘚 de1 1 7986 脞 cuo3 1 7985 "脞 cuo3 chopped meat; trifles" 寸 cun4 1 7984 "尺寸 英寸 分寸 方寸" "寸 cun4 a unit of length; inch; thumb 尺寸 chi3cun5 size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes); (coll.) propriety 英寸 ying1cun4 inch (unit of length equal to 2.54 cm.) 分寸 fen1cun5 propriety; appropriate behavior; proper speech or action; within the norms 方寸 fang1cun4 heart; mind" 忖 cun3 1 7983 思忖 "忖 cun3 to ponder; to speculate; to consider; to guess 思忖 si1cun3 to ponder; to reckon; to turn sth over in one's mind" 存 cun2 1 7982 "存在 生存 保存 存款" "存 cun2 to exist; to deposit; to store; to keep; to survive 存在 cun2zai4 to exist; to be; existence 生存 sheng1cun2 to exist; to survive 保存 bao3cun2 to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing) 存款 cun2kuan3 to deposit money (in a bank etc); bank savings; bank deposit" 粗 cu1 1 7981 "粗糙 粗暴 粗俗 粗壮" "粗 cu1 coarse; rough; thick (for cylindrical objects); unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude; remote; distant 粗糙 cu1cao1 crude; gruff; rough; coarse 粗暴 cu1bao4 rough; cruel 粗俗 cu1su2 vulgar 粗壮 cu1zhuang4 thick and solid" 蠢 chun3 1 7980 "愚蠢 蠢事 蠢货" "蠢 chun3 stupid; stupid; sluggish; clumsy; to wiggle (of worms); to move in a disorderly fashion 愚蠢 yu2chun3 silly; stupid 蠢事 chun3shi4 folly 蠢货 chun3huo4 blockhead; idiot; dunce; moron; fool" 闯 chuang3 1 7979 "闯进 闯入 闯荡 闯过" "闯 chuang3 to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temper oneself (through battling hardships) 闯进 chuang3jin4 to burst in 闯入 chuang3ru4 to intrude; to charge in; to gate-crash 闯荡 chuang3dang4 to leave home to make one's way in the world; to leave the life one knows to seek success 闯过 chuang3guo4 to crash one's way through" 宠 chong3 1 7978 "宠物 宠儿" "宠 chong3 to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor 宠物 chong3wu4 house pet 宠儿 chong3er2 pet; favorite; darling" 碜 chen3 1 7977 寒碜 "碜 chen3 gritty (of food); unsightly 寒碜 han2chen5 ugly; shameful; to ridicule" 耖 chao4 1 7976 "耖 chao4 harrow-like implement for pulverizing clods of soil; to level ground with such an implement" 茝 chai3 1 7975 蹭 ceng4 1 7974 磨蹭 "蹭 ceng4 to rub against; to walk slowly; (coll.) to freeload 磨蹭 mo2ceng5 to rub lightly; to move slowly; to dawdle; to dillydally; to pester; to nag" 噌 ceng1 1 7973 "噌 ceng1 to scold" 草 cao3 1 7972 "草原 草地 草坪 草案" "草 cao3 grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless; rough 草原 cao3yuan2 grassland; prairie 草地 cao3di4 lawn; meadow; sod; turf 草坪 cao3ping2 lawn 草案 cao3an4 draft (legislation, proposal etc)" 甭 beng2 1 7971 "甭 beng2 please don't" 北 bei3 1 7970 "北京 东北 北方 西北" "北 bei3 north 北京 bei3jing1 beijing, capital of the people's republic of china 东北 dong1bei3 northeast china; manchuria; northeast 北方 bei3fang1 north; the northern part a country; china north of the yellow river 西北 xi1bei3 northwest china (shaanxi, gansu, qinghai, ningxia, xinjiang); northwest" 掰 bai1 1 7969 掰开 "掰 bai1 to break off or break open sth with one's hands; (fig.) to break off (a relationship) 掰开 bai1kai1 to pull apart; to pry open with the hands" 盎 ang4 1 7968 盎然 "盎 ang4 (literary) brimming; abundant 盎然 ang4ran2 abundant; plentiful; overflowing; exuberant" 肮 ang1 1 7967 肮脏 "肮 ang1 dirty; filthy 肮脏 ang1zang1 dirty; filthy" 嘴 zui3 2 7966 "嘴里 嘴唇 嘴角 张嘴" "嘴 zui3 mouth; beak; nozzle; spout (of teapot etc) 嘴里 zui3li3 mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech; words 嘴唇 zui3chun2 lip 嘴角 zui3jiao3 corner of the mouth 张嘴 zhang1zui3 to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request); to gape" 攥 zuan4 2 7965 "攥 zuan4 (coll.) to hold; to grip; to grasp" 缵 zuan3 2 纂 7964 "缵 zuan3 (literary) to inherit" 纂 zuan3 2 缵 7963 编纂 "纂 zuan3 (literary) to compile; to edit; (coll.) (hairstyle) bun; red silk ribbon 编纂 bian1zuan3 to compile (an encyclopedia etc)" 钻 zuan1 2 躜 7962 "钻进 钻石 钻研 钻戒" "钻 zuan1 to drill; to bore; to get into; to make one's way into; to enter (a hole); to thread one's way through; to study intensively; to dig into; to curry favor for personal gain 钻进 zuan1jin4 to get into; to dig into (studies, job etc); to squeeze into 钻石 zuan4shi2 diamond 钻研 zuan1yan2 to study meticulously; to delve into 钻戒 zuan4jie4 diamond ring" 躜 zuan1 2 钻 7961 "躜 zuan1 to jump" 菹 zu1 2 租 7960 "菹 zu1 marshland; swamp; salted or pickled vegetables; to mince; to shred; to mince human flesh and bones" 租 zu1 2 菹 7959 "出租车 出租 房租 租金" "租 zu1 to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax 出租车 chu1zu1che1 taxi 出租 chu1zu1 to rent 房租 fang2zu1 rent for a room or house 租金 zu1jin1 rent" 揍 zou4 2 奏 7958 挨揍 "揍 zou4 to hit; to beat (sb); (coll.) to smash (sth) 挨揍 ai2zou4 to be beaten; to take a drubbing; buffeted; knocked about" 奏 zou4 2 揍 7957 "节奏 演奏 伴奏 弹奏" "奏 zou4 to play music; to achieve 节奏 jie2zou4 rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat 演奏 yan3zou4 to perform on a musical instrument 伴奏 ban4zou4 to accompany (musically) 弹奏 tan2zou4 to play (musical instrument, esp. string)" 总 zong3 2 偬 7956 "总是 总统 总结 总理" "总 zong3 general; overall; to sum up; in every case; always; invariably; anyway; after all; eventually; sooner or later; surely 总是 zong3shi4 always 总统 zong3tong3 president (of a country) 总结 zong3jie2 to sum up; to conclude; summary 总理 zong3li3 premier; prime minister" 偬 zong3 2 总 7955 "偬 zong3 busy; hurried; despondent" 𬘯 zhun3 2 准 7954 准 zhun3 2 𬘯 7953 "准备 标准 准确 批准" "准 zhun3 to allow; to grant; in accordance with; in the light of; accurate; standard; definitely; certainly; about to become (bride, son-in-law etc); quasi-; para- 准备 zhun3bei4 preparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund) 标准 biao1zhun3 standard; norm; criterion; (adjective) standard; good; correct; conforming to a standard 准确 zhun3que4 accurate; exact; precise 批准 pi1zhun3 to approve; to ratify" 髽 zhua1 2 抓 7952 "髽 zhua1 dress the hair" 抓 zhua1 2 髽 7951 "抓住 抓紧 抓捕 抓获" "抓 zhua1 to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch; to scratch 抓住 zhua1zhu4 to grab hold of; to capture 抓紧 zhua1jin3 to grasp firmly; to pay special attention to; to rush in; to make the most of 抓捕 zhua1bu3 to seize; to capture 抓获 zhua1huo4 to arrest" 肘 zhou3 2 帚 7950 肘子 "肘 zhou3 elbow; pork shoulder 肘子 zhou3zi5 pork shoulder; (coll.) elbow" 帚 zhou3 2 肘 7949 "扫帚 笤帚" "帚 zhou3 broom 扫帚 sao4zhou5 broom 笤帚 tiao2zhou5 whisk broom; small broom" 整 zheng3 2 拯 7948 "整个 调整 整理 整体" "整 zheng3 exactly; in good order; whole; complete; entire; in order; orderly; to repair; to mend; to renovate; (coll.) to fix sb; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb 整个 zheng3ge4 whole; entire; total 调整 tiao2zheng3 to adjust; adjustment; revision 整理 zheng3li3 to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage) 整体 zheng3ti3 whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole" 拯 zheng3 2 整 7947 拯救 "拯 zheng3 to raise; to aid; to support; to save; to rescue 拯救 zheng3jiu4 to save; to rescue" 斋 zhai1 2 摘 7946 "书斋 斋戒 斋月" "斋 zhai1 to fast or abstain from meat, wine etc; vegetarian diet; study room; building; to give alms (to a monk) 书斋 shu1zhai1 study (room) 斋戒 zhai1jie4 to fast 斋月 zhai1yue4 ramadan (islam)" 摘 zhai1 2 斋 7945 "摘要 文摘 摘下 摘录" "摘 zhai1 to take; to borrow; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc) 摘要 zhai1yao4 summary; abstract 文摘 wen2zhai1 digest (of literature); to make a digest (of data); summary 摘下 zhai1xia4 to take off; to remove (one's hat, a door from its hinges etc); to pick (a piece of fruit from a tree etc); (sports) to pick off (a rebound etc) 摘录 zhai1lu4 to extract; to excerpt; an excerpt" 鲗 zei2 2 贼 7944 "鲗 zei2 cuttlefish" 贼 zei2 2 鲗 7943 "盗贼 窃贼 抓贼 贼船" "贼 zei2 thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely 盗贼 dao4zei2 robber 窃贼 qie4zei2 thief 抓贼 zhua1zei2 to catch a thief 贼船 zei2chuan2 pirate ship; fig. venture of dubious merit; criminal gang; reactionary faction" 昃 ze4 2 仄 7942 "昃 ze4 afternoon; decline" 仄 ze4 2 昃 7941 平仄 "仄 ze4 to tilt; narrow; uneasy; oblique tones (in chinese poetry) 平仄 ping2ze4 level and oblique tones (technical term for classical chinese rhythmic poetry)" 遭 zao1 2 糟 7940 "遭到 遭遇 遭受 惨遭" "遭 zao1 to meet by chance (usually with misfortune); classifier for events: time, turn, incident 遭到 zao1dao4 to suffer; to meet with (sth unfortunate) 遭遇 zao1yu4 to meet with; to encounter; (bitter) experience 遭受 zao1shou4 to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune) 惨遭 can3zao1 to suffer (defeat, death etc)" 糟 zao1 2 遭 7939 "糟糕 糟蹋 糟粕" "糟 zao1 dregs; draff; pickled in wine; rotten; messy; ruined 糟糕 zao1gao1 too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad 糟蹋 zao1ta4 to waste; to defile; to abuse; to insult; to defile; to trample on; to wreck 糟粕 zao1po4 dross; dregs; rubbish; fig. useless residue" 糌 zan1 2 簪 7938 糌粑 "糌 zan1 zanba, tibetan barley bread 糌粑 zan1ba1 tsamba, tibetan barley bread" 簪 zan1 2 糌 7937 "簪 zan1 hairpin" 颙 yong2 2 喁 7936 "颙 yong2 grand; majestic; just; stern" 唷 yo1 2 哟 7935 "唷 yo5 final particle expressing exhortation, admiration etc" 哟 yo1 2 唷 7934 哎哟 "哟 yo5 (sentence-final particle expressing exhortation); (syllable filler in a song) 哎哟 ai1yo1 hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise" 雅 ya3 2 哑 7933 "优雅 高雅 雅典 典雅" "雅 ya3 elegant 优雅 you1ya3 grace; graceful 高雅 gao1ya3 dainty; elegance; elegant 雅典 ya3dian3 athens, capital of greece 典雅 dian3ya3 refined; elegant" 谑 xue4 2 血 7932 戏谑 "谑 xue4 joy; to joke; to banter; to tease; to mock 戏谑 xi4xue4 to banter; to crack jokes; to ridicule" 鳕 xue3 2 雪 7931 鳕鱼 "鳕 xue3 codfish; gadus macrocephalus 鳕鱼 xue3yu2 cod" 雪 xue3 2 鳕 7930 "雪山 雪白 雪花 下雪" "雪 xue3 snow; (literary) to wipe away (a humiliation etc) 雪山 xue3shan1 snow-capped mountain 雪白 xue3bai2 snow white 雪花 xue3hua1 snowflake 下雪 xia4xue3 to snow" 诇 xiong4 2 夐 7929 "诇 xiong4 (literary) to spy; to pry into" 夐 xiong4 2 诇 7928 雄 xiong2 2 熊 7927 "英雄 雄伟 雄厚 雄风" "雄 xiong2 male; staminate; grand; imposing; powerful; mighty; person or state having great power and influence 英雄 ying1xiong2 hero 雄伟 xiong2wei3 grand; imposing; magnificent; majestic 雄厚 xiong2hou4 robust; strong and solid 雄风 xiong2feng1 vigor; virility; dynamism; (literary) powerful wind" 熊 xiong2 2 雄 7926 "熊猫 熊熊 狗熊 熊掌" "熊 xiong2 bear; (coll.) to scold; to rebuke; (coll.) weak; incapable 熊猫 xiong2mao1 panda 熊熊 xiong2xiong2 raging; flaming 狗熊 gou3xiong2 black bear; coward 熊掌 xiong2zhang3 bear paw (as food)" 血 xie3 2 写 7925 "血液 鲜血 流血 血管" "血 xue4 blood 血液 xue4ye4 blood 鲜血 xian1xue4 blood 流血 liu2xue4 to bleed; to shed blood 血管 xue4guan3 vein; artery" 写 xie3 2 7924 "写作 写信 描写 写下" "写 xie3 to write 写作 xie3zuo4 to write; to compose; writing; written works 写信 xie3xin4 to write a letter 描写 miao2xie3 to describe; to depict; to portray; description 写下 xie3xia4 to write down" 蕹 weng4 2 瓮 7923 "蕹 weng4 water spinach or ong choy (ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south china and southeast asia" 瓮 weng4 2 蕹 7922 "瓮 weng4 earthen jar; urn; pottery container for water, wine etc" 王 wang2 2 亡 7921 "国王 王子 大王 王朝" "王 wang2 king or monarch; best or strongest of its type; grand; great 国王 guo2wang2 king 王子 wang2zi3 prince; son of a king 大王 da4wang2 king; magnate; person having expert skill in something 王朝 wang2chao2 dynasty" 亡 wang2 2 王 7920 "死亡 伤亡 身亡 灭亡" "亡 wang2 to die; to lose; to be gone; to flee; deceased 死亡 si3wang2 to die; death 伤亡 shang1wang2 casualties; injuries and deaths 身亡 shen1wang2 to die 灭亡 mie4wang2 to be destroyed; to become extinct; to perish; to die out; to destroy; to exterminate" 佤 wa3 2 瓦 7919 "佤 wa3 wa, kawa or va ethnic group of myanmar, south china and southeast asia" 推 tui1 2 忒 7918 "推荐 推出 推动 推广" "推 tui1 to push; to cut; to refuse; to reject; to decline; to shirk (responsibility); to put off; to delay; to push forward; to nominate; to elect; massage 推荐 tui1jian4 to recommend; recommendation 推出 tui1chu1 to push out; to release; to launch; to publish; to recommend 推动 tui1dong4 to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate 推广 tui1guang3 to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc)" 抟 tuan2 2 团 7917 "抟 tuan2 to roll up into a ball with one's hands; spiral; circle" 团 tuan2 2 抟 7916 "集团 团体 团结 团队" "团 tuan2 round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke); dumpling 集团 ji2tuan2 group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate 团体 tuan2ti3 group; organization; team 团结 tuan2jie2 to unite; unity; solidarity; united 团队 tuan2dui4 team" 嗵 tong1 2 通 7915 "嗵 tong1 thud" 餮 tie4 2 7914 饕餮 "餮 tie4 gluttonous 饕餮 tao1tie4 ferocious mythological animal, the fifth son of the dragon king; zoomorphic mask motif, found on shang and zhou ritual bronzes; gluttonous; sumptuous (banquet)" 铁 tie3 2 帖 7913 "地铁 铁路 钢铁 铁道" "铁 tie3 iron (metal); arms; weapons; hard; strong; violent; unshakeable; determined; close; tight (slang) 地铁 di4tie3 underground railway; subway; subway train 铁路 tie3lu4 railroad; railway 钢铁 gang1tie3 steel 铁道 tie3dao4 railway line; rail track" 瑱 tian4 2 掭 7912 "瑱 tian4 jade ear-plug" 掭 tian4 2 瑱 7911 趟 tang4 2 烫 7910 "趟 tang4 classifier for times, round trips or rows; a time; a trip" 烫 tang4 2 趟 7909 "滚烫 发烫 烫伤 熨烫" "烫 tang4 to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot 滚烫 gun3tang4 boiling; scalding 发烫 fa1tang4 burning hot 烫伤 tang4shang1 to scald 熨烫 yun4tang4 to iron (clothes)" 蒜 suan4 2 算 7908 大蒜 "蒜 suan4 garlic 大蒜 da4suan4 garlic" 算 suan4 2 蒜 7907 "算是 计算机 就算 计算" "算 suan4 to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute 算是 suan4shi4 considered to be; at last 计算机 ji4suan4ji1 computer 就算 jiu4suan4 (coll.) even if 计算 ji4suan4 to count; to calculate; to compute" 酸 suan1 2 狻 7906 "酸奶 辛酸 心酸 酸菜" "酸 suan1 sour; tart; sick at heart; grieved; sore; aching; pedantic; impractical; to make sarcastic remarks about sb; an acid 酸奶 suan1nai3 yogurt 辛酸 xin1suan1 pungent (taste); bitter; fig. sad; miserable 心酸 xin1suan1 to feel sad 酸菜 suan1cai4 pickled vegetables, especially chinese cabbage" 狻 suan1 2 酸 7905 "狻 suan1 (mythical animal)" 嗽 sou4 2 7904 咳嗽 "嗽 sou4 (bound form) to cough 咳嗽 ke2sou5 to cough" 楯 shun3 2 吮 7903 "楯 shun3 draw forth; horizontal railing" 吮 shun3 2 楯 7902 "吮吸 吸吮" "吮 shun3 to suck 吮吸 shun3xi1 to suck 吸吮 xi1shun3 to suck on (sth); to suck in" 腨 shuan4 2 涮 7901 涮 shuan4 2 腨 7900 "涮 shuan4 to rinse; to trick; to fool sb; to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)" 摔 shuai1 2 衰 7899 "摔倒 摔跤 摔死 摔伤" "摔 shuai1 to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 摔倒 shuai1dao3 to fall down; to slip and fall; to throw sb to the ground 摔跤 shuai1jiao1 to trip and fall; to wrestle; wrestling (sports) 摔死 shuai1si3 to fall to one's death; to kill by throwing to the ground 摔伤 shuai1shang1 to injure oneself in a fall" 唰 shua1 2 刷 7898 "唰 shua1 rustling" 刷 shua1 2 唰 7897 "印刷 刷牙 牙刷 刷新" "刷 shua1 to brush; to paint; to daub; to paste up; to skip class (of students); to fire from a job 印刷 yin4shua1 to print; printing 刷牙 shua1ya2 to brush one's teeth 牙刷 ya2shua1 toothbrush 刷新 shua1xin1 to renovate; to refurbish; to refresh (computer window); to write a new page (in history); to break (a record)" 眚 sheng3 2 省 7896 "眚 sheng3 cataract of the eye; error" 嫂 sao3 2 扫 7895 "嫂子 大嫂 嫂嫂" "嫂 sao3 older brother's wife; sister-in-law 嫂子 sao3zi5 (coll.) older brother's wife; sister-in-law 大嫂 da4sao3 older brother's wife; sister-in-law; elder sister (respectful appellation for an older married woman) 嫂嫂 sao3sao5 older brother's wife; sister-in-law; (polite address to a younger married woman) sister" 桑 sang1 2 7894 "沧桑 洛桑 哈桑 桑树" "桑 sang1 (bound form) mulberry tree 沧桑 cang1sang1 great changes; ups and downs; vicissitudes 洛桑 luo4sang1 lausanne (city in switzerland) 哈桑 ha1sang1 hassan (person name); hassan district 桑树 sang1shu4 mulberry tree, with leaves used to feed silkworms" 丧 sang1 2 桑 7893 "丧失 沮丧 丧生 丧命" "丧 sang1 mourning; funeral 丧失 sang4shi1 to lose; to forfeit 沮丧 ju3sang4 dispirited; dejected; dismayed 丧生 sang4sheng1 to die; to lose one's life 丧命 sang4ming4 to lose one's life" 赛 sai4 2 7892 "比赛 大赛 联赛 竞赛" "赛 sai4 to compete; competition; match; to surpass; better than; superior to; to excel 比赛 bi3sai4 competition (sports etc); match; to compete 大赛 da4sai4 grand contest 联赛 lian2sai4 (sports) league; league tournament 竞赛 jing4sai4 to compete; to race; contest; competition; match; race" 闰 run4 2 润 7891 "闰 run4 intercalary; an extra day or month inserted into the lunar or solar calendar (such as february 29)" 润 run4 2 闰 7890 "利润 湿润 滋润 红润" "润 run4 moist; glossy; sleek; to moisten; to lubricate; to embellish; to enhance; profit; remuneration 利润 li4run4 profits 湿润 shi1run4 moist 滋润 zi1run4 moist; humid; to moisten; to provide moisture; comfortably off 红润 hong2run4 ruddy; rosy; florid" 驲 ri4 2 日 7889 "驲 ri4 horse for relaying dispatches" 日 ri4 2 驲 7888 "日本 日子 日期 日记" "日 ri4 sun; day; date, day of the month 日本 ri4ben3 japan 日子 ri4zi5 day; a (calendar) date; days of one's life 日期 ri4qi1 date 日记 ri4ji4 diary" 惹 re3 2 7887 "惹人 招惹 惹火 惹事" "惹 re3 to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems) 惹人 re3ren2 to provoke (esp. annoyance, disgust etc); to offend; to attract (attention) 招惹 zhao1re3 to court (trouble); to attract (attention); to provoke (sb) 惹火 re3huo3 to stir up the fire; fig. to provoke and offend people; to ruffle feathers 惹事 re3shi4 to cause trouble" 让 rang4 2 7886 "转让 让步 让开 让座" "让 rang4 to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth; to make sb (feel sad etc) 转让 zhuan3rang4 to transfer (ownership, rights etc) 让步 rang4bu4 to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive 让开 rang4kai1 to get out of the way; to step aside 让座 rang4zuo4 to give up one's seat for sb" 逡 qun1 2 囷 7885 逡巡 "逡 qun1 to shrink back (from sth) 逡巡 qun1xun2 to draw back; to move back and forth; to hesitate; in an instant" 囷 qun1 2 逡 7884 "囷 qun1 granary" 劝 quan4 2 券 7883 "劝说 劝告 劝阻 奉劝" "劝 quan4 to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; to exhort; to console; to soothe 劝说 quan4shuo1 to persuade; persuasion; to advise 劝告 quan4gao4 to advise; to urge; to exhort; exhortation; advice 劝阻 quan4zu3 to advise against; to dissuade 奉劝 feng4quan4 may i offer a bit of advice" 锓 qin3 2 寝 7882 寝 qin3 2 锓 7881 "寝室 就寝" "寝 qin3 to lie down 寝室 qin3shi4 bedroom; dormitory 就寝 jiu4qin3 to go to sleep; to go to bed (literary)" 聘 pin4 2 牝 7880 "招聘 聘请 应聘 诚聘" "聘 pin4 to engage (a teacher etc); to hire; to betroth; betrothal gift; to get married (of woman) 招聘 zhao1pin4 to invite applications for a job; to recruit 聘请 pin4qing3 to engage; to hire (a lawyer etc) 应聘 ying4pin4 to accept a job offer; to apply for an advertised position 诚聘 cheng2pin4 to seek to recruit; to invite job applications from" 牝 pin4 2 聘 7879 "牝 pin4 (of a bird, animal or plant) female; keyhole; valley" 拼 pin1 2 姘 7878 "拼命 拼音 拼搏 拼写" "拼 pin1 to piece together; to join together; to stake all; adventurous; at the risk of one's life; to spell 拼命 pin1ming4 to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 拼音 pin1yin1 phonetic writing; pinyin (chinese romanization) 拼搏 pin1bo2 to struggle; to wrestle 拼写 pin1xie3 to spell" 姘 pin1 2 拼 7877 "姘 pin1 to be a mistress or lover" 骗 pian4 2 片 7876 "欺骗 骗子 骗人 诈骗" "骗 pian4 to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to get on (a horse etc) by swinging one leg over 欺骗 qi1pian4 to deceive; to cheat 骗子 pian4zi5 swindler; a cheat 骗人 pian4ren2 to cheat sb; a scam 诈骗 zha4pian4 to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail" 谝 pian3 2 𡎚 7875 "谝 pian3 to brag" 𡎚 pian3 2 谝 7874 碰 peng4 2 椪 7873 "碰到 碰上 碰撞 碰巧" "碰 peng4 to touch; to meet with; to bump 碰到 peng4dao4 to come across; to run into; to meet; to hit 碰上 peng4shang4 to run into; to come upon; to meet 碰撞 peng4zhuang4 to collide; collision 碰巧 peng4qiao3 by chance; by coincidence; to happen to" 椪 peng4 2 碰 7872 盆 pen2 2 湓 7871 "脸盆 盆地 花盆 盆子" "盆 pen2 basin; flower pot 脸盆 lian3pen2 washbowl; basin for washing hands and face 盆地 pen2di4 (geography) basin; depression 花盆 hua1pen2 flower pot 盆子 pen2zi5 basin" 湓 pen2 2 盆 7870 "湓 pen2 flowing of water; name of a river" 怕 pa4 2 帕 7869 "害怕 恐怕 不怕 可怕" "怕 pa4 to be afraid; to fear; to dread; to be unable to endure; perhaps 害怕 hai4pa4 to be afraid; to be scared 恐怕 kong3pa4 fear; to dread; i'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe 不怕 bu4pa4 fearless; not worried (by setbacks or difficulties); even if; even though 可怕 ke3pa4 awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly" 帕 pa4 2 怕 7868 手帕 "帕 pa4 to wrap; kerchief; handkerchief; headscarf; pascal (si unit) 手帕 shou3pa4 handkerchief" 怄 ou4 2 沤 7867 "怄 ou4 to annoy; to irritate; to be annoyed; to sulk" 噢 o1 2 7866 虐 nüe4 2 疟 7865 "虐待 肆虐 虐杀 暴虐" "虐 nüe4 oppressive; tyrannical 虐待 nüe4dai4 to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse; mistreatment; maltreatment 肆虐 si4nüe4 to wreak havoc; to devastate 虐杀 nüe4sha1 to kill (or assault) sadistically 暴虐 bao4nüe4 brutal; tyrannical" 衄 nü4 2 恧 7864 "衄 nü4 to bleed from the nose (or from the ears, gums etc); fig. to be defeated" 恧 nü4 2 衄 7863 "恧 nü4 ashamed" 怒 nu4 2 傉 7862 "愤怒 怒火 大怒 恼怒" "怒 nu4 anger; fury; flourishing; vigorous 愤怒 fen4nu4 angry; indignant; wrath; ire 怒火 nu4huo3 rage; fury; hot anger 大怒 da4nu4 to become furious; to explode in anger 恼怒 nao3nu4 resentful; angry; to enrage sb" 傉 nu4 2 怒 7861 钕 nü3 2 女 7860 "钕 nü3 neodymium (chemistry)" 女 nü3 2 钕 7859 "女人 女儿 女孩 女生" "女 nü3 female; woman; daughter 女人 nü3ren5 wife 女儿 nü3er2 daughter 女孩 nü3hai2 girl; lass 女生 nü3sheng1 schoolgirl; female student; girl" 脲 niao4 2 尿 7858 "脲 niao4 carbamide; urea (nh2)2co" 蔫 nian1 2 拈 7857 "蔫 nian1 to fade; to wither; to wilt; listless" 拈 nian1 2 蔫 7856 "拈 nian1 to nip; to grasp with the fingers; to fiddle with" 恁 nen4 2 嫩 7855 "恁 nen4 to think; this; which?; how? (literary)" 嫩 nen4 2 恁 7854 "稚嫩 娇嫩 白嫩 细嫩" "嫩 nen4 young and tender; (of food) tender; lightly cooked; (of color) light; (of a person) inexperienced; unskilled 稚嫩 zhi4nen4 young and tender; puerile; soft and immature 娇嫩 jiao1nen5 tender and lovely; fragile; delicate 白嫩 bai2nen4 (of skin etc) fair; delicate 细嫩 xi4nen4 tender" 囔 nang1 2 7853 嘟囔 "囔 nang1 muttering, indistinct speech 嘟囔 du1nang5 to mumble to oneself" 囊 nang1 2 囔 7852 "行囊 胶囊 窝囊 囊括" "囊 nang2 sack; purse; pocket (for money) 行囊 xing2nang2 traveling bag; luggage 胶囊 jiao1nang2 (pharm.) capsule 窝囊 wo1nang5 to feel vexed; annoyed; good-for-nothing; stupid and cowardly 囊括 nang2kuo4 to include; to embrace; to bring together" 婻 nan4 2 7851 镎 na2 2 拿 7850 "镎 na2 neptunium (chemistry)" 拿 na2 2 镎 7849 "拿出 拿起 拿来 拿走" "拿 na2 to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take 拿出 na2chu1 to take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence) 拿起 na2qi3 to pick up 拿来 na2lai2 to bring; to fetch; to get 拿走 na2zou3 to take away" 毪 mu2 2 7848 "毪 mu2 a type of woolen fabric made in tibet" 谬 miu4 2 7847 "荒谬 谬误 谬论" "谬 miu4 to deceive; to confuse; to cheat; absurd; erroneous 荒谬 huang1miu4 absurd; ridiculous 谬误 miu4wu4 error; mistaken idea; falsehood 谬论 miu4lun4 misconception; fallacy" 咩 mie1 2 乜 7846 "咩 mie1 the bleating of sheep; final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (cantonese)" 面 mian4 2 眄 7845 "方面 面前 后面 面对" "面 mian4 face; side; surface; aspect; top; classifier for objects with flat surfaces such as drums, mirrors, flags etc; flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 方面 fang1mian4 respect; aspect; field; side 面前 mian4qian2 in front of; facing; (in the) presence (of) 后面 hou4mian5 the back; the rear; the last bit; behind; near the end; at the back; later; afterwards 面对 mian4dui4 to face; to confront" 眄 mian4 2 面 7844 "眄 mian4 to look askance at" 梦 meng4 2 孟 7843 "梦想 梦中 做梦 梦见" "梦 meng4 dream; (bound form) to dream 梦想 meng4xiang3 (fig.) to dream of; dream 梦中 meng4zhong1 in a dream 做梦 zuo4meng4 to dream; to have a dream; fig. illusion; fantasy; pipe dream 梦见 meng4jian4 to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream" 孟 meng4 2 梦 7842 "孟子 孟买" "孟 meng4 first month of a season; eldest amongst brothers 孟子 meng4zi3 mencius (c. 372-c. 289 bc), confucian philosopher second only to confucius; book of the same name, one of the classics of confucianism 孟买 meng4mai3 mumbai (formerly bombay)" 螨 man3 2 满 7841 "螨 man3 mite" 满 man3 2 螨 7840 "充满 满足 满意 不满" "满 man3 manchu ethnic group; to fill; full; filled; packed; fully; completely; quite; to reach the limit; to satisfy; satisfied; contented 充满 chong1man3 full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 满足 man3zu2 to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 满意 man3yi4 satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction 不满 bu4man3 resentful; discontented; dissatisfied" 颟 man1 2 嫚 7839 "颟 man1 dawdling" 荬 mai3 2 买 7838 买 mai3 2 荬 7837 "购买 买房 买票 买家" "买 mai3 to buy; to purchase 购买 gou4mai3 to purchase; to buy 买房 mai3fang2 to buy a house 买票 mai3piao4 to buy tickets 买家 mai3jia1 buyer; purchaser" 霾 mai2 2 埋 7836 阴霾 "霾 mai2 haze 阴霾 yin1mai2 haze" 呣 m2 2 呒 7835 "呣 m2 interjection expressing a question" 呒 m2 2 呣 7834 撸 lu1 2 噜 7833 "撸 lu1 (dialect) to rub one's hand along; to fire (an employee); to reprimand" 噜 lu1 2 撸 7832 "咕噜 嘟噜" "噜 lu1 grumble; chatter 咕噜 gu1lu5 to coo (of a dove); rumbling; noisy drinking sound 嘟噜 du1lu5 bunch; cluster; classifier for bunched objects; to hang down in a bunch; to droop" 䁖 lou1 2 7831 "䁖 lou1 to glance at" 弄 long4 2 哢 7830 "弄到 弄清 玩弄 摆弄" "弄 nong4 to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with 弄到 nong4dao4 to get hold of; to obtain; to secure; to come by 弄清 nong4qing1 to clarify; to fully understand 玩弄 wan2nong4 to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to 摆弄 bai3nong4 to move back and forth; to fiddle with" 哢 long4 2 7829 "哢 long4 to sing or chirp (of birds); music sound" 熘 liu1 2 溜 7828 "熘 liu1 quick-fry; sim. to stir-frying, but with cornstarch added" 蹽 liao1 2 撩 7827 "蹽 liao1 to run; to slip away; to stride" 愣 leng4 2 堎 7826 发愣 "愣 leng4 to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly; rash; rashly 发愣 fa1leng4 to stare blankly; to be in a daze" 堎 leng4 2 愣 7825 烂 lan4 2 滥 7824 "灿烂 破烂 腐烂 绚烂" "烂 lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 灿烂 can4lan4 to glitter; brilliant; splendid 破烂 po4lan4 worn-out; dilapidated; tattered; ragged; (coll.) rubbish; junk 腐烂 fu3lan4 to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt 绚烂 xuan4lan4 splendid; gorgeous; dazzling" 滥 lan4 2 烂 7823 "泛滥 滥用 滥杀" "滥 lan4 overflowing; excessive; indiscriminate 泛滥 fan4lan4 to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundate; to spread unchecked 滥用 lan4yong4 to misuse; to abuse 滥杀 lan4sha1 to kill indiscriminately; to massacre" 髋 kuan1 2 宽 7822 "髋 kuan1 pelvis; pelvic" 宽 kuan1 2 髋 7821 "宽容 宽敞 宽带 宽阔" "宽 kuan1 wide; broad; loose; relaxed; lenient 宽容 kuan1rong2 lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive 宽敞 kuan1chang5 spacious; wide 宽带 kuan1dai4 broadband 宽阔 kuan1kuo4 expansive; wide; width; thickness" 蒯 kuai3 2 㧟 7820 "蒯 kuai3 a rush; scirpus cyperinus" 㧟 kuai3 2 蒯 7819 "㧟 kuai3 (dialect) to scratch (an itch); to carry on the arm; to scoop up" 垮 kua3 2 侉 7818 "垮台 打垮 压垮" "垮 kua3 to collapse (lit. or fig.) 垮台 kua3tai2 (of a dynasty, regime etc) to collapse; to fall from power 打垮 da3kua3 to defeat; to strike down; to destroy 压垮 ya1kua3 to cause sth to collapse under the weight; (fig.) to overwhelm" 侉 kua3 2 垮 7817 "侉 kua3 foreign accent" 姱 kua1 2 夸 7816 "姱 kua1 fascinating; pretty" 夸 kua1 2 姱 7815 "夸张 夸奖 夸大 夸耀" "夸 kua1 to boast; to exaggerate; to praise 夸张 kua1zhang1 to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous 夸奖 kua1jiang3 to praise; to applaud; to compliment 夸大 kua1da4 to exaggerate 夸耀 kua1yao4 to brag about; to flaunt" 炌 kai4 2 忾 7814 "炌 kai4 flaming fire" 忾 kai4 2 炌 7813 "忾 kai4 anger" 撅 jue1 2 噘 7812 "撅 jue1 to protrude; to stick out; to embarrass (people)" 噘 jue1 2 撅 7811 "噘 jue1 to pout; (dialect) to scold" 锩 juan3 2 卷 7810 缓 huan3 2 㬊 7809 "缓缓 缓慢 缓解 缓和" "缓 huan3 slow; unhurried; sluggish; gradual; not tense; relaxed; to postpone; to defer; to stall; to stave off; to revive; to recuperate 缓缓 huan3huan3 slowly; unhurriedly; little by little 缓慢 huan3man4 slow 缓解 huan3jie3 to bring relief; to alleviate (a crisis); to dull (a pain) 缓和 huan3he2 to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild" 㬊 huan3 2 缓 7808 獾 huan1 2 欢 7807 "獾 huan1 badger" 欢 huan1 2 獾 7806 "喜欢 欢迎 欢乐 欢喜" "欢 huan1 joyous; happy; pleased; hubbub; clamor; a breed of horse 喜欢 xi3huan5 to like; to be fond of 欢迎 huan1ying2 to welcome; welcome 欢乐 huan1le4 gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay 欢喜 huan1xi3 happy; joyous; delighted; to like; to be fond of" 讧 hong4 2 7805 内讧 "讧 hong4 strife; disorder; rioting; fighting 内讧 nei4hong4 internal strife" 唝 hong3 2 7804 堼 heng4 2 7803 哼 heng1 2 亨 7802 哼唱 "哼 heng1 to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon 哼唱 heng1chang4 to hum; to croon" 亨 heng1 2 哼 7801 "亨利 大亨 亨特" "亨 heng1 prosperous; henry (unit of inductance) 亨利 heng1li4 henry (name); henry (unit of inductance) 大亨 da4heng1 big shot; top gun; superstar; vip 亨特 heng1te4 hunter (name)" 郝 hao3 2 好 7800 沆 hang4 2 7799 "沆 hang4 a ferry; fog; flowing" 铪 ha1 2 哈 7798 "铪 ha1 hafnium (chemistry)" 哈 ha1 2 铪 7797 "哈利 哈佛 哈欠 哈达" "哈 ha1 (slang) to be infatuated with; to adore 哈利 ha1li4 harry 哈佛 ha1fo2 harvard 哈欠 ha1qian5 yawn 哈达 ha3da2 khata (tibetan or mongolian ceremonial scarf)" 逛 guang4 2 7796 "闲逛 游逛" "逛 guang4 to stroll; to visit 闲逛 xian2guang4 to stroll 游逛 you2guang4 to go sightseeing; to spend one's leisure time wandering around" 犷 guang3 2 广 7795 粗犷 "犷 guang3 rough; uncouth; boorish 粗犷 cu1guang3 rough; rude; boorish; straightforward; uninhibited" 广 guang3 2 犷 7794 "广告 广场 广州 广播" "广 guang3 wide; numerous; to spread 广告 guang3gao4 to advertise; a commercial; advertisement 广场 guang3chang3 public square; plaza 广州 guang3zhou1 guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of guangdong; canton 广播 guang3bo1 broadcast; broadcasting; to broadcast; (formal) to propagate; to publicize" 怪 guai4 2 夬 7793 "奇怪 难怪 古怪 怪物" "怪 guai4 bewildering; odd; strange; uncanny; devil; monster; to wonder at; to blame; quite; rather 奇怪 qi2guai4 strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled 难怪 nan2guai4 (it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that) 古怪 gu3guai4 strange; weird; eccentric; bizarre 怪物 guai4wu5 monster; freak; eccentric person" 夬 guai4 2 怪 7792 "夬 guai4 decisive" 掴 guai1 2 乖 7791 "掴 guai1 to slap" 乖 guai1 2 掴 7790 "乖乖 乖巧 卖乖" "乖 guai1 (of a child) obedient, well-behaved; clever; shrewd; alert; perverse; contrary to reason; irregular; abnormal 乖乖 guai1guai1 (of a child) well-behaved; obediently; (term of endearment for a child) darling; sweetie 乖巧 guai1qiao3 clever (child); smart; lovable; cute 卖乖 mai4guai1 to show off one's cleverness; (of sb who has received beneficial treatment) to profess to have been hard done by" 寡 gua3 2 剐 7789 "寡妇 寡人 多寡 寡头" "寡 gua3 few; scant; widowed 寡妇 gua3fu5 widow 寡人 gua3ren2 i (first person pronoun used by royalty or nobility) 多寡 duo1gua3 number; amount 寡头 gua3tou2 oligarch" 剐 gua3 2 寡 7788 "剐 gua3 cut off the flesh as punishment" 暅 geng4 2 7787 跟 gen1 2 根 7786 "跟着 跟前 跟踪 跟随" "跟 gen1 heel; to follow closely; to go with; (of a woman) to marry sb; with; compared with; to; towards; and (joining two nouns) 跟着 gen1zhe5 to follow after; immediately afterwards 跟前 gen1qian5 (of children, parents etc) at one's side; living with one 跟踪 gen1zong1 to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking 跟随 gen1sui2 to follow" 根 gen1 2 跟 7785 "根本 根据 根源 压根" "根 gen1 root; basis; classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings; radical (chemistry) 根本 gen1ben3 fundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all 根据 gen1ju4 according to; based on; basis; foundation 根源 gen1yuan2 origin; root (cause) 压根 ya4gen1 (mainly used in the negative) in the first place; absolutely; simply" 港 gang3 2 岗 7784 "香港 港口 港币 港元" "港 gang3 harbor; port 香港 xiang1gang3 hong kong 港口 gang3kou3 port; harbor 港币 gang3bi4 hong kong currency; hong kong dollar 港元 gang3yuan2 hong kong dollar" 尕 ga3 2 7783 "尕 ga3 little (dialect)" 缶 fou3 2 否 7782 "缶 fou3 pottery" 讽 feng3 2 唪 7781 "讽刺 嘲讽 讥讽 反讽" "讽 feng3 to satirize; to mock; to recite 讽刺 feng3ci4 to satirize; to mock; irony; satire; sarcasm 嘲讽 chao2feng3 to sneer at; to ridicule; to taunt 讥讽 ji1feng3 to satirize; to ridicule; to mock 反讽 fan3feng3 irony; to satirize" 唪 feng3 2 讽 7780 "唪 feng3 recite; chant" 返 fan3 2 反 7779 "返回 往返 重返 遣返" "返 fan3 to return (to) 返回 fan3hui2 to return to; to come (or go) back 往返 wang3fan3 to go back and forth; to go to and fro; to do a round trip 重返 chong2fan3 to return to 遣返 qian3fan3 to repatriate (e.g. prisoners of war); to send back" 反 fan3 2 返 7778 "反应 反对 反映 反而" "反 fan3 contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead 反应 fan3ying4 to react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction 反对 fan3dui4 to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition 反映 fan3ying4 to mirror; to reflect; mirror image; reflection; (fig.) to report; to make known; to render 反而 fan3er2 on the contrary; instead" 珐 fa4 2 7777 "珐 fa4 enamel ware; cloisonne ware" 发 fa4 2 珐 7776 "发现 发展 发生 发表" "发 fa1 to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop; to make a bundle of money; classifier for gunshots (rounds) 发现 fa1xian4 to notice; to become aware of; to discover; to find; to detect; a discovery 发展 fa1zhan3 development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 发生 fa1sheng1 to happen; to occur; to take place; to break out 发表 fa1biao3 to issue; to publish" 砝 fa3 2 法 7775 "砝码 fa3ma3 standard weight (used on a balance scale)" 法 fa3 2 砝 7774 "无法 方法 办法 法国" "法 fa3 france; french; law; method; way; to emulate; law 无法 wu2fa3 unable; incapable 方法 fang1fa3 method; way; means 办法 ban4fa3 means; method; way (of doing sth) 法国 fa3guo2 france; french" 趸 dun3 2 盹 7773 "趸 dun3 wholesale" 盹 dun3 2 趸 7772 打盹 "盹 dun3 doze; nap 打盹 da3dun3 to doze off" 耑 duan1 2 端 7771 端 duan1 2 耑 7770 "极端 顶端 终端 端正" "端 duan1 end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level with both hands; to carry; regular; start; origin 极端 ji2duan1 extreme 顶端 ding3duan1 summit; peak 终端 zhong1duan1 end; terminal 端正 duan1zheng4 upright; regular; proper; correct" 董 dong3 2 懂 7769 "董事 古董" "董 dong3 to supervise; to direct; director 董事 dong3shi4 board member 古董 gu3dong3 curio; antique" 懂 dong3 2 董 7768 "懂得 懂事 听懂 看懂" "懂 dong3 to understand; to comprehend 懂得 dong3de5 to understand; to know; to comprehend 懂事 dong3shi4 to grow beyond the naivete of childhood; to be aware of what is going on in the world; (esp. of a child) sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 听懂 ting1dong3 to understand (on hearing); to catch (what is spoken) 看懂 kan4dong3 to understand what one is reading or watching" 铥 diu1 2 丢 7767 "铥 diu1 thulium (chemistry)" 丢 diu1 2 铥 7766 "丢失 丢下 丢掉 丢人" "丢 diu1 to lose; to put aside; to throw 丢失 diu1shi1 to lose; to misplace 丢下 diu1xia4 to abandon 丢掉 diu1diao4 to lose; to throw away; to discard; to cast away 丢人 diu1ren2 to lose face" 跌 die1 2 爹 7765 "下跌 跌倒 跌落 跌幅" "跌 die1 to fall; to tumble; to trip; (of prices etc) to drop 下跌 xia4die1 to fall; to tumble 跌倒 die1dao3 to tumble; to fall; fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business) 跌落 die1luo4 to fall; to drop 跌幅 die1fu2 decline (in value); extent of a drop" 爹 die1 2 跌 7764 "老爹 爹爹 爹娘 干爹" "爹 die1 dad 老爹 lao3die1 (dialect) father; old man; sir 爹爹 die1die5 daddy; granddad 爹娘 die1niang2 (dialect) parents 干爹 gan1die1 adoptive father (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications)" 等 deng3 2 戥 7763 "等等 等待 等到 等于" "等 deng3 class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; to wait for; to await; et cetera; and so on; et al. (and other authors); after; as soon as; once 等等 deng3deng3 et cetera; and so on ... 等待 deng3dai4 to wait; to wait for 等到 deng3dao4 to wait until; by the time when (sth is ready etc) 等于 deng3yu2 to equal; to be tantamount to" 戥 deng3 2 等 7762 "戥 deng3 small steelyard for weighing money" 捯 dao2 2 7761 "捯 dao2 (coll.) to reel in (string, yarn etc) by pulling hand over hand or by coiling; to step along; to look into; to pursue (a matter)" 璀 cui3 2 漼 7760 璀璨 "璀 cui3 luster of gems 璀璨 cui3can4 bright; resplendent" 漼 cui3 2 璀 7759 "漼 cui3 having the appearance of depth" 殂 cu2 2 徂 7758 "殂 cu2 to die" 徂 cu2 2 殂 7757 "徂 cu2 to go; to reach" 炊 chui1 2 吹 7756 "炊烟 炊具" "炊 chui1 to cook food 炊烟 chui1yan1 smoke from kitchen chimneys 炊具 chui1ju4 cooking utensils; cookware; cooker" 吹 chui1 2 炊 7755 "吹牛 鼓吹 吹嘘 吹捧" "吹 chui1 to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through 吹牛 chui1niu2 to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect) 鼓吹 gu3chui1 to agitate for; to enthusiastically promote 吹嘘 chui1xu1 to brag 吹捧 chui1peng3 to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation" 怆 chuang4 2 创 7754 悲怆 "怆 chuang4 mournful; sad; grieved; sorry 悲怆 bei1chuang4 sorrow; tragic" 钏 chuan4 2 串 7753 "钏 chuan4 armlet; bracelet" 串 chuan4 2 钏 7752 "串门 串联 客串 串通" "串 chuan4 to string together; to skewer; to connect wrongly; to gang up; to rove; string; bunch; skewer; classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of; to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus); to move across 串门 chuan4men2 to call on sb; to drop in; to visit sb's home 串联 chuan4lian2 to establish ties or contact; in series connection (electricity) 客串 ke4chuan4 to appear on stage in an amateur capacity; (of a professional) to make a guest appearance; (fig.) to assume a role outside one's usual duties; to substitute for 串通 chuan4tong1 to collude; to collaborate; to gang up" 舛 chuan3 2 喘 7751 "舛 chuan3 mistaken; erroneous; contradictory" 喘 chuan3 2 舛 7750 "喘息 喘气 哮喘 气喘" "喘 chuan3 to gasp; to pant; asthma 喘息 chuan3xi1 to gasp for breath; to take a breather 喘气 chuan3qi4 to breathe deeply; to pant; to gasp; to take a breather; to catch one's breath 哮喘 xiao4chuan3 asthma 气喘 qi4chuan3 to gasp for breath; asthma" 搋 chuai1 2 7749 "搋 chuai1 to knead; to rub; to clear a drain with a pump; to conceal sth in one's bosom; to carry sth under one's coat" 铳 chong4 2 7748 "铳 chong4 gun" 秤 cheng4 2 牚 7747 "秤 cheng4 steelyard; roman balance" 牚 cheng4 2 秤 7746 扯 che3 2 7745 "牵扯 拉扯 扯淡 胡扯" "扯 che3 to pull; to tear; (of cloth, thread etc) to buy; to chat; to gossip; hokey; to pull; to tear 牵扯 qian1che3 to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated 拉扯 la1che5 to drag; to pull; to raise a child (through difficulties); to help; to support; to drag in; to chat 扯淡 che3dan4 to talk nonsense 胡扯 hu2che3 to chatter; nonsense; blather" 砗 che1 2 车 7744 炒 chao3 2 吵 7743 "炒作 炒菜 炒饭 炒股" "炒 chao3 to stir-fry; to speculate; to hype; to fire (sb) 炒作 chao3zuo4 to hype; to promote (in the media) 炒菜 chao3cai4 to stir-fry; to do the cooking; stir-fried dish 炒饭 chao3fan4 fried rice 炒股 chao3gu3 (coll.) to speculate in stocks" 虿 chai4 2 瘥 7742 "虿 chai4 (scorpion); an insect" 瘥 chai4 2 虿 7741 "瘥 chai4 to recover from disease" 涔 cen2 2 岑 7740 "涔 cen2 overflow; rainwater; tearful" 岑 cen2 2 涔 7739 "岑 cen2 small hill" 糙 cao1 2 操 7738 粗糙 "糙 cao1 rough; coarse (in texture) 粗糙 cu1cao1 crude; gruff; rough; coarse" 操 cao1 2 糙 7737 "操作 操场 操心 操纵" "操 cao1 to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language) 操作 cao1zuo4 to work; to operate; to manipulate 操场 cao1chang3 playground; sports field; drill ground 操心 cao1xin1 to worry about 操纵 cao1zong4 to operate; to control; to rig; to manipulate" 猜 cai1 2 偲 7736 "猜测 猜想 竞猜 猜疑" "猜 cai1 to guess 猜测 cai1ce4 to guess; to conjecture; to surmise 猜想 cai1xiang3 to guess; to conjecture; to suppose; (math.) hypothesis 竞猜 jing4cai1 to compete in solving puzzles 猜疑 cai1yi2 to suspect; to have misgivings; suspicious; misgivings" 偲 cai1 2 猜 7735 擦 ca1 2 嚓 7734 "摩擦 擦拭 擦干 擦掉" "擦 ca1 to rub; to scratch; to towel; to wipe with a towel; to apply (lipstick, lotion etc); to touch; to brush (past); to shred (vegetables etc) 摩擦 mo2ca1 friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony; conflict 擦拭 ca1shi4 to wipe clean 擦干 ca1gan1 to wipe dry 擦掉 ca1diao4 to wipe" 醭 bu2 2 7733 "醭 bu2 mold on liquids" 逋 bu1 2 晡 7732 "逋 bu1 to flee; to abscond; to owe" 晡 bu1 2 逋 7731 跛 bo3 2 簸 7730 "跛 bo3 to limp; lame; crippled" 鼻 bi2 2 荸 7729 "鼻子 鼻涕 鼻孔 鼻梁" "鼻 bi2 nose 鼻子 bi2zi5 nose 鼻涕 bi2ti4 nasal mucus; snivel; snot 鼻孔 bi2kong3 nostril 鼻梁 bi2liang2 bridge of the nose" 荸 bi2 2 鼻 7728 鲾 bi1 2 逼 7727 "鲾 bi1 the ponyfishes, aka slipmouths (leiognathidae, a family of fishes in the order perciformes)" 逼 bi1 2 鲾 7726 "逼迫 逼近 逼真 逼人" "逼 bi1 to compel; to pressure; to force (sb to do sth); to compel; to press for; to extort; to press on towards; to press up to; to close in on 逼迫 bi1po4 to force; to compel; to coerce 逼近 bi1jin4 to press on towards; to close in on; to approach; to draw near 逼真 bi1zhen1 lifelike; true to life; distinctly; clearly 逼人 bi1ren2 pressing; threatening" 琫 beng3 2 7725 "琫 beng3 gem ornament of scabbard" 雹 bao2 2 7724 冰雹 "雹 bao2 hail 冰雹 bing1bao2 hail; hailstone" 白 bai2 2 7723 "明白 白色 白酒 苍白" "白 bai2 white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary; anti-communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character; to state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera 明白 ming2bai5 clear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand; to realize 白色 bai2se4 white; fig. reactionary; anti-communist 白酒 bai2jiu3 baijiu, a spirit usually distilled from sorghum 苍白 cang1bai2 pale; wan" 袄 ao3 2 媪 7722 棉袄 "袄 ao3 coat; jacket; short and lined coat or robe 棉袄 mian2ao3 cotton-padded jacket" 媪 ao3 2 袄 7721 "媪 ao3 old woman" 凹 ao1 2 7720 凹陷 "凹 ao1 depressed; sunken; indented; concave; female (connector etc) 凹陷 ao1xian4 to cave in; hollow; sunken; depressed" 昂 ang2 2 卬 7719 "昂贵 高昂 激昂 昂首" "昂 ang2 to lift; to raise; to raise one's head; high; high spirits; soaring; expensive 昂贵 ang2gui4 expensive; costly 高昂 gao1ang2 to hold (one's head) high; expensive; high (spirits etc) 激昂 ji1ang2 impassioned; worked up 昂首 ang2shou3 head high; in high spirits; to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)" 卬 ang2 2 昂 7718 "卬 ang2 i (regional colloquial); me"