with a constantly exploring mind, i engage with chatgpt on various topics, crafting prompts to elicit the explanations i seek. in this section, i share selected questions and answers that i found particularly relevant.
ai and time series prediction ignoring the importance of proper training, to what extent does chatgpt derive its capabilities from time-series prediction?
codependent sexual evolution as far as i understand, mammal sexes evolved codependently. i speculate that there are likely some factors that prevented one sex from completely outclassing the genetic propagative capability of the other. what factors could these be?
does time exist without events? does space exist without matter?
free roaming ants are ants able to freely roam around and explore the area on their own leisure?
free speech restrictions and social media US free speech laws have recently been put into question as we are faced with the socio-structural changes related to, and the rising importance of, social media and its way of incentivizing certain behavior.
human signals in space how far have human-made electromagnetic signals traveled into space so far?
importance of sign language why is sign language irreplaceable even for people mostly consuming media solitarily and despite the widespread use of text?
mapping the political spectrum the extremes of left and right wing politics both seem to favor authoritarian regimes and a rigid ideology that inhibits further adaptation. a single axis seems insufficient to capture the political spectrum, two axes may also be insufficient. perhaps multivariate analysis is useful to gain insight. my suspicion is that the best possible models would share properties with a personality model like the big five.
novelty and stability in politics in politics, how does left and right, progressive and conservative, and openness and conscientiousness relate to novelty and stability?
pitfalls of emotional introspection: balancing depth with clarity and control what are the potential downsides of a life approach focused primarily on emotional introspection and relational significance, as opposed to one centered on concrete goals and external achievements?
rating strategies when giving ratings on scales of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 about movies, music, photos, companies, et cetera, different users may use different rating strategies.
relationship expectations: parents versus partners what are differing expectations between the filial relationship with parents and a romantic relationship with a partner?
social media dynamics: how platform design and identity shape discourse let us explore the dynamics of text-centric social media platforms and how they influence user behavior.