
timeline of what was not

it would be interesting to have an application where one can enter a date and receive a list that describes the life situation of common people at the time by opportunities and knowledge that existed.

here are notes about the data such a tool would need to have.

the idea relates to what is known as a tech-tree of civiliziation, alluding to the hierarchical progression of abilities often seen in video games. such a tech-tree would be a significant oversimplification and it is therefore important to choose carefully what it should simplify to. in this case, the target is a basic when-and-where classification of common availability of impactful opportunities.

since availability can fluctuate, some minimum stability time limit will probably be useful. definitions of what it means for an invention to reach critical mass, so that the results are widely available, are also relevant, as are definitions of what it means for an invention to be meaningfully impactful to common people.

data structure

it is possible to create a tuple of variables that define one datapoint.

for example:

(time, location, concept)


  • nature: natural preconditions, for example the development of earth and plants
  • medicine: maintaining and improving human health
  • communication: means by which humans can transmit information
  • materials: substances for use in objects
  • automation: replacing human labor with machines
  • organization: organizing people into larger groups, social structures, economics, legal systems
  • entertainment: human past time that is not directly related to fullfilling a physical need or fostering any of the other categories
  • mobility: the ability to move objects and humans to different locations

    • infrastructure: connecting structures build over nature
  • knowledge: abstract exploration and definition of reality and relevant processes
  • energy: power generation


generative pre-trained transformer large language models
body cameras
medical c-sections
medical lobotomy
electricity led light-bulbs
electricily cfl
sustenance animal domestication
sustenance potatoes
communication newspapers
economy coins
law prisons
nature stars
nature galaxies
nature "thick atmosphere"
nature "ozone layer"
nature "magnetic field"
nature earth
life mammals
life humans
materials spring steel
materials stone
materials bronze
materials iron
materials fire
communication paper
communication "writing with feathers"
communication internet
communication telephone
communication television
communication printing
communication newspapers
communication radio
communication mail
communication flatscreens
communication dumbphones
communication smartphones
infrastructure "formation of earth"
infrastructure "light bulb"
infrastructure electricity
infrastructure "glassed windows"
infrastructure "paved streets"
infrastructure plumbing
infrastructure "street lighting"
infrastructure "led lighting becomes economically viable"
automation "steam engine"
automation tractor
automation transistor
automation computer
automation washing machine
automation electric loom
automation agriculture
mobility automobile
mobility carriages
mobility airplanes
mobility bicycle
health penicilin
health anesthesia
health x-rays
health vaccines
health germ-theory
health anesthesia
entertainment photography
entertainment "black and white television"
entertainment "color television"
society calendar
society "labor laws"
society "working hours"
society "population density"
society literacy
society "oral contraceptives / condom"
society tampons
society slavery
society money
society "law and order"
safety "seatbelt laws"
safety "car headlights"
safety "building codes"
politics tribalism
politics statehood
politics federalism
politics democracy
politics liberalism
politics monarchy
1600 telescope, microscope
~ -1000000 fire
1455 printing
1765 steam engine
1804 railways
1826 photography
1844 telegraph
1879 electric light
1885 automobile
1901 radio
1903 airplane
1927 television
1937 computer
1947 transistor
1892 dmitri Ivanovsky discovers viruses
1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers x-rays
1896 Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity
1880 adult literacy reaches 20% of the global population
1960 the first oral contraceptive is approved in the usa
1900 electrification was beginning
1868 washing machine