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worms live in a moist porous matrix (soil), fish live in a liquid (water), humans live in a gas (air).
the energy required for one push-up is approximately equivalent to the energy provided by 0.83 sunflower seeds.
the bosun called for the hands to bend on the mizzen topsl as we rounded the horn, but the futtock shrouds were slack, and the jibstay needed fresh splicing after a hard luff under the lee of the quarterdeck. the spanker boom yawed abaft, while the capstan pawls clattered, and the mainsheet block fouled the ratlines. we hove to with a braced yard, but the scuppers were swamped, so the bilge had to be pumped before the wind shifted abaft the beam. when the lubbers line slipped, the topgallant clew jammed in the sheave, and the bowsprit nearly fetched up against the cathead.
the senior crew member in charge of ropes and sails, called for the crew to raise the smaller sail near the back of the ship as we sailed around a dangerous cape. but the ropes supporting the mast were loose, and the front sails supporting rope needed to be fixed after we sharply turned the ship near the sheltered area behind the deck. the back sails pole swung awkwardly behind us, while the rotating drum used to pull in ropes made noise, and the main rope used to control the big sail got tangled in the ladder-like ropes attached to the mast. we stopped the ship by turning the sails sideways, but the drainage holes on the deck were flooded, so we had to pump out water before the wind changed direction behind us. when the line used for steering slipped, the small upper sails corner rope got stuck in its pulley, and the front part of the ship nearly crashed into the beam holding the anchor.
modern graphics cards, particularly those equipped with nvidias rt (ray tracing) cores, offer some level of hardware-accelerated ray tracing capabilities, but these remain quite rudimentary compared to the extensive computational demands of full-scale ray tracing. in professional 3d rendering software, where rendering times are extended to achieve high-quality results, it is common to utilize tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of rays per pixel. anything less than 10000 rays per pixel tends to produce very noisy images.
in contrast, current nvidia cards can handle only a few rays per pixel in real-time, typically ranging from 1 to around 4 rays per pixel, depending on the scenes complexity and the optimizations used. this level of ray tracing is insufficient for producing fully realistic renders. instead, these limited rays are used to enhance certain aspects of the graphics, such as reflections, shadows, and global illumination, but not to render scenes entirely through ray tracing.
the flexibility of these rt cores lies in their programmability, allowing developers to determine how to use the sparse ray data effectively. the final visual outcome heavily depends on the skill and objectives of the programmers, who must decide how to integrate this information into the overall rendering process.
in summary, while modern ray tracing technology on gpus represents a significant step beyond the limitations of rasterization (the traditional rendering method), it is still far from being capable of fully realistic ray-traced rendering in real-time applications.
variation of water content in air at 1% relative humidity across different temperatures:
this is a formula for calculating saturation vapor pressure at a given temperature in the unit mmHg, 100% humidity, using the antoine equation.
log10(P) = A - B / (C + T)
1 mmHg ≈ 133.322 Pa
a physically grounded estimate of the maximum achievable resolution of the human eye, considering both central and peripheral vision, might be in the range of 20-30 megapixels per eye. this estimate accounts for the high-resolution foveal vision and the much lower resolution peripheral vision.
at a viewing distance of about 1.45 meters, the human eye can just begin to distinguish the pixels of a 33 megapixel monitor with 108 pixels per centimeter. to completely eliminate any perceivable pixelation and achieve a "pixel-free" experience in vr headsets, the resolution per eye would likely need to be in the range of 132 to 530 megapixel or even higher.
whining william, complaining cathy, pessimistic paul, griping greg, moaning molly, sensitive sally, whingeing wendy, fault-finding frank, cynical cindy, frowning fiona
it is said that you learn from your mistakes. if that is the case then she has learned more than anything ever
left right and santa
system 2 of civilization is underdeveloped
transparent tents
"sproing" is an onomatopoeic word that mimics the sound of a spring or something elastic being stretched and then released
fresh fruit in season is berry, berry good
less is more, more or less
one word in this sentence is wrong
turf rolls
swan research
civil applications of nukes
earth at perihelion
how much cat food do you eat?
rome was also built in one day
all the aggressive male baboons died from elbowing everyone out of their way and eating tainted meat out of a dumpster
examples such as the above have motivated analyses of the exclusivity inference as pragmatic conversational implicatures calculated on the basis of an inclusive semantic. implicatures are typically cancellable and do not arise in downward entailing contexts if their calculation depends on the maxim of quantity
smacluvian elation of the triptic xeration selated the frudainian intriptication of the adoliran exophendaxion. the ultranomical zyntracoreal phalendry system ignited the krotobian energiphase, resulting in an etrophrenotic trilostatic quantinification. hyperpolated zepherlazimication of the morphtic quendrilion induced a state of peritonial fluctumation within the omnivexic extrapulse. as the flarnated whorilodes ignasculated, the cerelagon of the transponderation recalibrated into a vesperic state, ultrametric in its fuscational turgidity. meanwhile, the treponic illuverance of the fagled drexiarchs sent ripples through the chimerian zygoplantation, leading to a subdaphilian tetraqueretic ambirombotion.
in the midst of this chaotic fludunation, the spordonic iridalescence and iridelasouscence of the liminergic spectablites genetiated an overwhelming fluxonomic dissonance. the galactophasial meriloframe, with its elaborate phrontomancer radorimpansion, erringated an intricate borsorl of elegaric intraflexion. each celestonic variplasm enamorated the zyboliths, merging into a contubious moclosis of sublime hypercomempriucy. the nadiral convergence of the systilmic inflection set the stage for a neoteric elemificiticiation, transcending the paragon of exantric wurilioty to this day.
when the controller is attached via cable, sound is routed to the controller headphone out by default. to change that, attach the controller, open pavucontrol, find the output for the controller and disable it. this setting should persist even if the controller is removed or the computer restarted.
libreoffice --calc --infilter=csv myfile.txt
it is probably best to rarely or not at all use such drugs
example on arch linux:
might be necessary: ~/.config/mpv/mpv.config
[svp] input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket hwdec=auto-copy hwdec-codecs=all hr-seek-framedrop=no resume-playback=no
from the svp mpv manual
with prefix notation you do not say "1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5 plus 6 plus 7 plus 8", but "sum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"
it seems as if two-choice public votes/referendums/elections tend to lead to 50/50% results
forever alone calculator: now you can confirm statistically that you will be forever alone. calculates from features like "smoker" "gender" "diet" "language" "distance" "age range". result in a percentage of current population matching
when chatting with multiple people separately using instant messaging, you can copy text between conversation windows to let them unknowingly talk to each other
tools can be harder to sell than the things one can do with them. especially if one wants to do something with them that no one so far wants to do, so that existing tools are already sufficient to most. trying to sell the tools means trying to sell them on what you can do with them, but no one will care since they dont want to do what they can do different, it is not significant, and for what the mass already wants to do, existing tools are more reliable
mathematicians in, say, the years 200-1000 already showed remarkable ingeniuity. smart enough that they should have been aware of a lot of things. if people where that smart, what prevented faster progress
i want to learn what i want to learn when i want to learn it. contrary to school, where i am taught things i dont want to learn and things at times i dont want to learn them
mastering herp derps. there are many types of herp derps. what are herp derps? a herp derp can be very powerful. it is often used in important tasks. more and more people are needing it every day, as the busy life of society continues. herp derp is so great, nobody can go without it. and it is so easy to understand, it is so simple, it will be trivial really. on this page, we will explain what it is. dont be afraid, it is not that hard to understand. take a deep breath and let's get our feet wet and dip our toes into the topic to deep dive on what this article is about. we will summarise all that it is, and give you the complete low-down on herp derp. so that at the end of this article, you will have mastered it. summary of the following contents: what is a herp derp, and what you can do with it. the name herp derp is constructed from the words "herp" and "derp". which means the words "herp" and "derp" are combined to describe one thing. the words are written with letters used in the english language. we are sure you will need herp derps frequently in your professional life, as it is that special. herp derp, as herp derps usually are, are very important. it is so strikingly useful, and so profound, that almost everybody should know what a herp derp is. even your grandma probably needs a herp derp at least once in her life. just like john derp herp, who in 1862 invented the first herp derp with his son, who had brown hair and was 152cm tall and made a joke in school that day and everyone laughed. on a breezy summer morning you could have seen the excitement in his eyes, as john discovered the immeasurable significance of herp derp. there are many different kinds of herp derps. it would be too much to explain everything in a single article. some are more useful, some less so, but all are at least somewhat similar. herp derp is simply a herp derp. we hope that you now know everything you need to know about herp derp to truly excel at applying herp derp in your future endeavours. share this article
when trying to learn about mathematics and i understand nothing, all i am seeing is "simply", "easily", "just", "trivial", "straightforward", "remarkably easy", "very simple", "it is obvious", "clearly", "everybody knows", "simple equation" peppered through the documents. i would go as far as to allege that mathematicians even excel at explaining things from a disconnected perspective
syntax highlighting:
two perspectives on gun control:
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if having extra rooms: family picture room/museum. family members get a wall or a part of a wall and decorate it with lifes most dearest photos and other pictures
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without specifying intermediate points in advance, with giving a value for rate to specify the steepness
(x, rate, previous_rate, previous_y, y_level)-> x_rate = x * rate y_level = if previous_rate is rate y_level else x - x_rate + previous_y - (x - (x_rate - rate * (x - 1))) y = y_level + x_rate [y, y_level]
not obvious in this procedure, that can possibly be simplified, is how values have to be adjusted to keep the starting points of new steeper or shallower segments attached to the end of previous ones.
one can imagine lines of f(x) = rate * x
with different rate
. the lines cross only at zero and it looks a bit like a fan. with this function, one can get only points on separate slopes, with straight changes when starting to draw parts of different ones.
it is possible to translate the starting point of any possible slope by addition or subtraction to make it cross at exactly the point where rate
changed and start drawing a segment from there.
in the above function, x
and rate
are the main parameters and the values used for correction are related to the center y = x
slope and the end point of the previous segment.
but, this creates an ever growing number and there is potential for increasing numerical error with floating point numbers, either because the value becomes large and less exact or the input of previous_y and y_level accumulates errors through addition.
a probably better alternative would be a function that takes width and height instead of rate, to be able to calculate an endpoint, and then use an interpolation function to get points between the start and end points. if width or height changes, the target point would just move