#!/bin/sh # usage: git-log [git-options ...] # "git log" that lists the changed files and the most important commit information. # does not need "less" to see the newest entry on the terminal because entries are sorted from oldest to newest. # example format: #--- # user@host.eu 2016-10-31 commit message text 3d928e6 # M 1/text/itpn # # user@host.eu 2016-11-16 commit message text 720416c # A 2/text/camelcase-to-dash # D 2/text/camelcase-to-dashes # A 2/text/camelcase-to-underscore git --no-pager log --decorate --format=format:'%ae %ad %s %h' --name-status --date=short --reverse --max-count=16 "$@"