(define-module (sph process)) (use-modules (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 threads) (rnrs io ports) (sph) (sph filesystem) (sph io) (sph other) (srfi srfi-31)) (export call-with-working-directory execute execute-and-check-result execute->file execute->port execute->string execute-and execute-with-pipe exit-value-zero? process-eval process-finish process-finish-success? process-replace process-replace-e process-replace-p process-replace-pe shell-eval shell-eval-and-check-result shell-eval->string sph-process-description) (define sph-process-description "execute programs and evaluate shell or scheme code") (define execute system*) (define shell-eval system) (define (call-with-working-directory path p) (let* ((cwd (getcwd)) (r (begin (chdir path) (p)))) (chdir cwd) r)) (define (process-replace program-path . arguments) "replaces the current process image with the execution of the program at program-path. executes programs conventionally with program-path as the first argument. uses execl" (apply execl program-path (basename program-path) arguments)) (define (process-replace-p program-name/path . arguments) "like process-replace-without-search except that if the path to the program to execute does not start with a slash it is searched in the directories in the PATH environment variable. uses execlp" (apply execlp program-name/path (basename program-name/path) arguments)) (define (process-replace-e env path . arguments) "(string:\"name=value\" ...) string string ... -> like process-replace but the environment variables of the process are passed with the env parameter. to use the current environment variables the (environ) procedure can be used - it creates output in the expected format for \"env\". uses execle" (apply execle path env (basename path) arguments)) (define (process-replace-pe env name/path . arguments) "(string:\"name=value\" ...) string string ... -> like process-replace-e except that if the path to the program to execute does not start with a slash it is searched in the directories in the PATH environment variable" (apply execle (if (string-prefix? "/" name/path) name/path (search-env-path-one name/path)) env (basename name/path) arguments)) (define (execute-with-pipe proc mode path . arguments) "procedure integer string list -> any execute a program with a pipe connected to its standard-output and/or standard-input and pass it as one port to \"proc\". mode can be one of the guile variables OPEN_READ OPEN_WRITE OPEN_BOTH" (let (port (apply open-pipe* mode path arguments)) (begin-first (proc port) (close-pipe port)))) (define (process-eval code proc) "(scheme-expression ...) procedure:{process-output-port -> any} -> any evaluate code in a new guile process, independent from the current process (no shared environment) and pass a port for the standard output of the process to proc" (call-with-temp-file (l (file) (map (l (a) (write a file)) code) (fsync file) (execute-with-pipe proc OPEN_READ "guile" "--no-auto-compile" (port-filename file))))) (define (execute->port port path . arguments) "port string string ... -> execute program at \"path\" with \"arguments\" and write everything that is written to standard output by the program to \"port\"" (apply execute-with-pipe (l (port-program) (port-copy-all port-program port)) OPEN_READ path arguments)) (define (execute->file target-path command . command-arguments) "string (string ...) string -> apply \"system*\" with command and command-arguments and set standard-output to a file at target-path. the file is either created or overwritten" (apply execute-with-pipe (l (program) (call-with-output-file target-path (l (file) (let loop (octet (get-u8 program)) (if (eof-object? octet) target-path (begin (put-u8 file octet) (loop (get-u8 program)))))))) OPEN_READ command command-arguments)) (define (execute->string command . command-arguments) "string (string ...) string -> apply \"system*\" with command and command-arguments and result in a string for the output the program wrote to standard output" (apply execute-with-pipe port->string OPEN_READ command command-arguments)) (define (shell-eval->string command-str) "string -> string evaluate command-string with sh and return the resulting string" (let* ((port (open-pipe command-str OPEN_READ)) (result-str (port->string port))) (close-pipe port) result-str)) (define (exit-value-zero? system-result) (zero? (status:exit-val system-result))) (define (execute-and-check-result path . arguments) "string (string ...) -> boolean execute command with system*, check exit-status and return true if it is zero, false otherwise." (let ((status (status:exit-val (apply system* path arguments)))) (not (not (and status (= status 0)))))) (define (shell-eval-and-check-result command-str) "string -> boolean execute command with system, check exit-status and return true if it is zero, false otherwise." (let ((status (status:exit-val (system command-str)))) (not (not (and status (= status 0)))))) (define (process-finish pid) "integer -> boolean use waitpid without extra options and return the exit status integer. waitpid waits for the termination of the process and afterwards frees the resources of the child process which prevents it from staying in zombie status" (tail (waitpid pid))) (define (process-finish-success? pid) (= 0 (process-finish pid))) (define (execute-and a . rest) "(string ...) ... -> system*-result takes lists of arguments to system* and calls system* for each of these arguments. if one call returns with a non-zero exit value the processing stops and returns the result of system*" (let loop ((rest rest) (result (apply system* a))) (if (null? rest) result (if (= 0 (status:exit-val result)) (loop (tail rest) (apply system* (first rest)))))))