(library (sph documentation shtml)
(ice-9 threads)
(rnrs sorting)
(sph alist)
(sph binding-info)
(sph documentation)
(sph documentation display-format-plist)
(sph lang itml eval shtml)
(sph list)
(sph module)
(sph one)
(sph string)
(sph web shtml)
(only (srfi srfi-1) alist-delete))
(define (create-binding-name-anchor-target title)
(qq (span (@ (id "b-" (unquote title))) (unquote title))))
(define (create-binding-name-anchor binding)
(let ((title (first binding)) (type (or (alist-ref (tail binding) (q type)) "")))
(qq (a (@ (href "#b-" (unquote title)) (class (unquote type))) (unquote title)))))
(define (shtml-bindings binding nesting-depth)
(shtml-section nesting-depth (create-binding-name-anchor-target (first binding))
(l (a)
(let ((key (first a)) (content (tail a)))
(if (null? content) #f
(case key ((type) (symbol->string (first content)))
(let (content (string-join content "\n"))
(shtml-section (+ 1 nesting-depth) key
(itml-shtml-lines (string-split content #\newline)) (list (q class) key))))))))
(list-sort-with-accessor string>? (compose symbol->string first) (tail binding)))))
(define (get-bindings module-name) "list -> ((symbol:name . list:alist) ...)"
(list-sort-with-accessor string first
(alist-bind display-format-plist (format-binding-info format-arguments)
(l (binding-info)
(format-binding-info binding-info
(format-arguments (bi-arguments binding-info) (bi-type binding-info))))
(module-binding-info module-name)))))
(define (string-indent-to-nbsp a)
(let (index (string-skip a #\space))
(if (< 0 index) (list (make-list index (q (*ENTITY* "nbsp"))) (string-drop a index)) a)))
(define (doc-shtml-library nesting-depth library-name)
"integer (symbol ...) -> list
a navigatable index of all bindings from the specified libraries and
a listing of the available documentation for bindings"
(let ((bindings (get-bindings library-name)) (description (module-description library-name)))
( (index
(pairs (q ul) (q (@ (class "doc-n")))
(map (compose (l (a) (list (q li) a)) create-binding-name-anchor) bindings)))
(and description
(map (l (a) (list (q p) a))
(map string-indent-to-nbsp (string-split description #\newline)))))
(pairs (q div) (q (@ (class "doc-b")))
(l (a)
(shtml-bindings (pair (first a) (alist-delete "module" (tail a))) nesting-depth))
(list description index content))))
(define* (doc-shtml-libraries libraries #:optional (map-data identity))
"create a table of all bindings in all specified libraries.
first column: binding name
second column: library name"
(map-apply map-data
(list-sort-with-accessor string (compose symbol->string first)
(doc-bindings libraries list))))))