(library (sph documentation itpn) (export documentation-itpn-libraries documentation-itpn-library) (import (guile) (ice-9 threads) (rnrs sorting) (sph) (sph alist) (sph binding-info) (sph documentation) (sph documentation display-format-plist) (sph list) (sph module) (sph one) (sph string) (except (srfi srfi-1) map) (only (sph two) create-newline-indent)) (define (with-binding-info-title-and-lines-proc c) (l (binding-info) (let (content (remove string-null? (tail binding-info))) (if (null? content) #f (c (first binding-info) (append-map (l (e) (string-split e #\newline)) content)))))) (define (get-binding-documentation module-name) "list -> ((symbol:name . list:alist) ...)" (list-sort-with-accessor string string index of all bindings in a module and a listing of the available binding documentation" (let ( (bindings (append-map get-binding-documentation library-names)) (newline-indent-1 (create-newline-indent nesting-depth)) (newline-indent-2 (create-newline-indent (+ 1 nesting-depth))) (newline-indent-3 (create-newline-indent (+ 2 nesting-depth))) (newline-indent-4 (create-newline-indent (+ 3 nesting-depth)))) (letpar ( (index (map first bindings)) (content (map (l (e) (library-documentation-itpn-binding-documentation (first e) (alist-delete "module" (tail e)) newline-indent-3 newline-indent-4)) bindings))) (string-append "index" (string-join index newline-indent-2 (q prefix)) newline-indent-1 "details" (string-join content newline-indent-2 (q prefix)))))) (define* (documentation-itpn-libraries library-names #:optional (nesting-depth 0) (map-binding-name (l (name library-name) (symbol->string name))) (map-library-name any->string)) "((symbol ...) ...) integer [{symbol list:library-name -> string} {list:library-name -> string}] -> string list of binding and library name" (let (binding-info ;((mapped-binding-name mapped-library-name) ...) (map tail (list-sort-with-accessor stringstring name) (map-binding-name name library-name) (map-library-name library-name))) names)) (map (compose module-exports resolve-interface) library-names) library-names)))) (string-join (map (l (e) (string-join e " ")) binding-info) (string-append "\n" (string-multiply " " nesting-depth))))))