(library (sph filesystem asset-compiler) (export ac-compile ac-compile->file ac-config ac-config-input ac-config-input-p ac-config-output ac-config-output-p ac-config-p ac-config-valid? ac-destination ac-input-id ac-input-matcher ac-input-processor ac-input-record ac-output-id ac-output-processor ac-output-record ac-output-suffix ac-source-files-updated? sph-filesystem-asset-compiler-description) (import (guile) (sph filesystem) (sph hashtable) (sph io) (sph list) (sph number) (sph other) (sph process) (sph string) (sph vector) (sph) (sph record)) (define sph-filesystem-asset-compiler-description "configuration format and helpers to process and concatenate files from multiple sources. for example to compile from many files in different preprocessor formats into one target format file. data structures config: hashtable:{symbol:output-format -> (config-output config-input ...)} config-output: #(symbol:id string:suffix false/procedure:processor-output) config-input: #(symbol:name source-match? false/procedure:processor-input) config-format: (config-output config-input ...) source-match? :: boolean/procedure:{any:source -> boolean} processor-input :: source-element port:output any:processor-options -> processor-output :: procedure:input->port port:output-port any:processor-options -> sources: (any:processor-dependent ...) syntax ac-config :: (out-id suffix out-proc) (in-id matcher in-proc) ... -> hashtable ac-config-input :: id matcher processor -> vector ac-config-output :: id suffix processor -> vector example config (define my-ac-config (ac-config ( (html \".htm\" (l (process-input out-port options) (process-input out-port))) (html #t (l (source out-port options) (file->port source out-port))) (sxml #t s-template-sxml->html)) ( (js #t js-output-processor) (js #t ac-input-copy) (sjs #t s-template-sescript->js))))") (define-syntax-rule (ac-config ((out-id suffix out-proc) (in-id matcher in-proc) ...) ...) (ac-config-p (list (list (q out-id) (ac-config-output out-id suffix out-proc) (ac-config-input in-id matcher in-proc) ...) ...))) (define-syntax-rule (ac-config-output id suffix processor) (ac-config-output-p (q id) suffix processor)) (define-syntax-rule (ac-config-input id matcher processor) (ac-config-input-p (q id) matcher processor)) (define-record ac-input id matcher processor) (define-record ac-output id suffix processor) (define ac-input-record ac-input) (define ac-output-record ac-output) (define (id->extension a) (string-append "." (symbol->string a))) (define (match-suffix-f suffix) (l (a) (and (string? a) (string-suffix? suffix a)))) (define (ac-config-p config-source) "list:((id config-output config-input ...) ...) -> hashtable create an ac-config from a list with the following format" (ht-from-alist config-source)) (define (ac-config-output-p id suffix processor) "symbol string/procedure/boolean procedure -> vector create a config-output object. if processor is false, a default processor that just copies is used. suffix #t: use the id as a filename extension separated with a dot else: no filename extension" (vector id (cond ((and (boolean? suffix) suffix) (id->extension id)) ((string? suffix) suffix) (else "")) processor)) (define (ac-config-input-p id matcher processor) "symbol procedure/boolean procedure/false create a config-input object. if processor is false, a default processor that interprets source elements as filesystem paths and reads them is used. matcher procedure: match a source element #t: match the id as a filename extension separated with a dot for source elements which are strings else: never match" (vector id (if (procedure? matcher) matcher (if (boolean? matcher) (if matcher (match-suffix-f (id->extension id)) (const #f)) (const #f))) processor)) (define (ac-input-copy source port options) "a default processor-input that interprets source as a file name if it is a string. copies all contents of the source file to port with a newline at the end. false and does nothing otherwise" (and (string? source) (begin (file->port source port) (newline port)))) (define (ac-output-copy get-input port options) "a default processor-output that copies input to output port" (get-input port)) (define ac-compile (let* ( (sources->get-and-argument (l (sources config-input-list) "list vector -> ((procedure:processor . source) ...) find a matching processor/reader for each source or raise an exception if no processor matches" (map (l (a) (or (any (l (b) (and ((ac-input-matcher b) a) (pair (or (ac-input-processor b) ac-input-copy) a))) config-input-list) (raise (list (q no-matching-input-processor) a)))) sources))) (sources->input-processor (l (sources config-input options) "list list any -> procedure create a procedure that processes all source elements with a matching config-input. note: with some output formats you may want to emit a newline or similar after each source in the input processor, to prevent for example code being appended to a line comment from the last line of the previous file" (let (get-and-argument (sources->get-and-argument sources config-input)) (l (out-port) (each (l (a) ((first a) (tail a) out-port options)) get-and-argument)))))) (l* (config output-format sources port #:optional processor-options) "hashtable symbol list port [any] -> false/unspecified \"processor-options\" is an optional value passed to input and output processors as the last argument" (and-let* ((config-format (ht-ref config output-format))) ( (or (ac-output-processor (first config-format)) ac-output-copy) (sources->input-processor sources (tail config-format) processor-options) port processor-options))))) ;-- filesystem (define* (ac-destination path-directory format sources #:optional name suffix) "string symbol string list -> string create a string for an output path relative to \"path-directory\". format: * \"{path-directory}/{format}/{name}\" * \"{path-directory}/{format}/_{basename-without-suffix-first-of-sources}-{base32-hash-of-sources}\"" (string-append (ensure-trailing-slash path-directory) (symbol->string format) "/" (if name (string-append name suffix) (let (strings (filter string? sources)) (string-append "_" (if (null? strings) "_" (first (string-split (basename (first strings)) #\.))) "-" (number->string (ht-hash-equal sources) 32) suffix))))) (define (ac-source-files-updated? dest sources) "string (string ...) -> boolean true if any source is newer than destination" (let (dest-mtime (stat:mtime (stat dest))) (any (l (a) (< dest-mtime (stat:mtime (stat a)))) sources))) (define* (ac-compile->file config output-format sources dest-directory #:key processor-options when dest-name) "hashtable symbol list string _ ... -> string:path-destination #:processor-options: any/alist #:when takes a symbol: new: update only if destination does not exist newer: update if destination does not exist or any source file is newer always: always compile, overwriting any existing destination file #:dest-name sets the destination file name to use instead of an automatically generated one" (let* ( (config-format (ht-ref config output-format)) (config-output (first config-format)) (sources-flat (flatten sources)) (path-destination (ac-destination dest-directory output-format sources-flat dest-name (ac-output-suffix config-output)))) (if (or (eq? (q always) when) (not (every string? sources-flat)) (not (file-exists? path-destination)) (ac-source-files-updated? path-destination sources-flat)) (and (ensure-directory-structure (dirname path-destination)) (call-with-output-file path-destination (l (port) (ac-compile config output-format sources port processor-options))) path-destination) path-destination))))