import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import {CallbackFunction, TableToJsonOptions} from './index'; export class Tabletojson { static convert( html: string, options: TableToJsonOptions = { useFirstRowForHeadings: false, stripHtmlFromHeadings: true, stripHtmlFromCells: true, stripHtml: null, forceIndexAsNumber: false, countDuplicateHeadings: true, ignoreColumns: null, onlyColumns: null, ignoreHiddenRows: true, headings: null, containsClasses: null, id: null, limitrows: null, }, ): any[] { options = Object.assign( { useFirstRowForHeadings: false, stripHtmlFromHeadings: true, stripHtmlFromCells: true, stripHtml: null, forceIndexAsNumber: false, countDuplicateHeadings: true, ignoreColumns: null, onlyColumns: null, ignoreHiddenRows: true, headings: null, containsClasses: null, id: null, limitrows: null, }, options, ); if (options.stripHtml === true) { options.stripHtmlFromHeadings = true; options.stripHtmlFromCells = true; } else if (options.stripHtml === false) { options.stripHtmlFromHeadings = false; options.stripHtmlFromCells = false; } const jsonResponse: any[] = []; let suffix; const $ = cheerio.load(html); let additionalSelectors = options.containsClasses ? `.${options.containsClasses.join('.')}` : ''; additionalSelectors = ? `${additionalSelectors}#${}` : ''; $(`table${additionalSelectors}`).each((_i, table) => { const tableAsJson: any[] = []; const alreadySeen: any = {}; // Get column headings // @fixme Doesn't support vertical column headings. // @todo Try to support badly formated tables. const columnHeadings: string[] = []; let trs: cheerio.Cheerio = $(table).find('tr'); if (options.useFirstRowForHeadings) { trs = $(trs[0]); } let headingsCounter: number = 0; // Use headings for objects key evaluation trs.each((_index: number, row: cheerio.Element) => { const cells: cheerio.Cheerio = options.useFirstRowForHeadings ? $(row).find('td, th') : $(row).find('th'); cells.each((j: number, cell: cheerio.Element) => { if (options.onlyColumns && !options.onlyColumns.includes(j)) return; if (options.ignoreColumns && !options.onlyColumns && options.ignoreColumns.includes(j)) return; let value: string = ''; if (options.headings) { value = options.headings[headingsCounter++]; } else { const cheerioCell: cheerio.Cheerio = $(cell); const cheerioCellText: string = cheerioCell.text(); const cheerioCellHtml: string | null = cheerioCell.html(); value = options.stripHtmlFromHeadings ? cheerioCellText.trim() : cheerioCellHtml ? cheerioCellHtml.trim() : ''; } const seen: any = alreadySeen[value]; if (seen && options.countDuplicateHeadings) { suffix = ++alreadySeen[value]; columnHeadings[j] = value !== '' ? `${value}_${suffix}` : `${j}`; } else { alreadySeen[value] = 1; columnHeadings[j] = value; } }); }); let rowspans: any[] = []; // Fetch each row $(table) .find('tr') .each(function (i, row) { const rowAsJson: any = {}; function setColumn(j: number, content: string) { if (columnHeadings[j] && !options.forceIndexAsNumber) { rowAsJson[columnHeadings[j]] = content; } else { rowAsJson[j] = content; } } // Add content from rowspans rowspans.forEach((rowspan: any, index: number) => { if (!rowspan) return; setColumn(index, rowspan.content); rowspan.value--; }); const nextrowspans: any[] = [...rowspans]; const cells: cheerio.Cheerio = options.useFirstRowForHeadings ? $(row).find('td, th') : $(row).find('td'); cells.each((j: number, cell: cheerio.Element) => { // ignoreHiddenRows if (options.ignoreHiddenRows) { const style: string | undefined = $(row).attr('style'); if (style) { const m = style.match(/.*display.*:.*none.*/g); if (m && m.length > 0) return; } } // Apply rowspans offsets let aux: number = j; j = 0; do { while (rowspans[j]) j++; while (aux && !rowspans[j]) { j++; aux--; } } while (aux); if (options.onlyColumns && !options.onlyColumns.includes(j)) return; if (options.ignoreColumns && !options.onlyColumns && options.ignoreColumns.includes(j)) return; const cheerioCell: cheerio.Cheerio = $(cell); const cheerioCellText: string = cheerioCell.text(); const cheerioCellHtml: string | null = cheerioCell.html(); const cheerioCellRowspan: string | undefined = cheerioCell.attr('rowspan'); const content: string = options.stripHtmlFromCells ? cheerioCellText.trim() : cheerioCellHtml ? cheerioCellHtml.trim() : ''; setColumn(j, content); // Check rowspan const value: number = cheerioCellRowspan ? parseInt(cheerioCellRowspan, 10) - 1 : 0; if (value > 0) nextrowspans[j] = {content, value}; }); rowspans = nextrowspans; rowspans.forEach((rowspan: any, index: number) => { if (rowspan && rowspan.value === 0) rowspans[index] = null; }); // Skip blank rows if (JSON.stringify(rowAsJson) !== '{}') tableAsJson.push(rowAsJson); if (options.limitrows && i === options.limitrows) { return false; } }); // Add the table to the response const dataContained: boolean = tableAsJson.length > 0; const pushToJsonResult: boolean = Array.isArray(tableAsJson) && dataContained; if (!pushToJsonResult) { return true; } jsonResponse.push(tableAsJson); }); return jsonResponse; } /** * Convert an HTML Page for a given URL * @param url URL to be called * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions {Object} Options for html conversion * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.useFirstRowForHeadings Use the first row as header [default=false] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.stripHtmlFromHeadings Strip all HTML from headings [default=true] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.stripHtmlFromCells Strip HTML from cells [default=true] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.stripHtml Strip off HTML [default=null] if set true stripHtmlFromHeadings and stripHtmlFromCells will also be true * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.forceIndexAsNumber Force the index to be used as number [default=false] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.countDuplicateHeadings If given a _ will be added to the duplicate key [default=false] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.ignoreColumns {Array} Array of column indices to ignored [default=null] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.onlyColumns {Array} Array of column indices to be used. Overrides ignoreColumn [default=null] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.ignoreHiddenRows Ignoring hidden rows [default=true] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.headings {Array} Array of Strings to be used as headings [default=null] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.headings {Array} Array of classes to find a specific table [default=null] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.limitrows {Integer} Integer that limits the result of all rows to a given amount of data [default=null] * @param callbackFunctionOrOptions.request Options to be passed to request object * @param callbackFunction Callback function to be called when the conversion finished * @return {Promise<*>} Promise containing the result */ static async convertUrl( url: string, callbackFunctionOrOptions?: TableToJsonOptions | CallbackFunction, callbackFunction?: CallbackFunction, ): Promise { let options: TableToJsonOptions; let callback = null; let fetchOptions: RequestInit; if ( callbackFunction && typeof callbackFunction === 'function' && typeof callbackFunctionOrOptions === 'object' ) { // If both options and callback passed options = callbackFunctionOrOptions; // If you need to pass in options for request (proxy) // add them to callbackFunctionOrOptions.request fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || {}; callback = callbackFunction; // Use a callback (if passed) const result = await fetch(url, fetchOptions); const resultMimetype = result.headers.get('content-type'); if (resultMimetype && !resultMimetype.includes('text/')) { throw new Error('Tabletojson can just handle text/** mimetypes'); } return, Tabletojson.convert(await result.text(), options)); } else if (typeof callbackFunctionOrOptions === 'function') { // If only callback passed, invoke with no options callback = callbackFunctionOrOptions; // Use a callback (if passed) const result = await fetch(url); const resultMimetype = result.headers.get('content-type'); if (resultMimetype && !resultMimetype.includes('text/')) { throw new Error('Tabletojson can just handle text/** mimetypes'); } return, Tabletojson.convert(await result.text())); } else { // If neither argument is callback, return a promise options = callbackFunctionOrOptions || {}; // If you need to pass in options for request (proxy) // add them to callbackFunctionOrOptions.request fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || {}; const result = await fetch(url); const resultMimetype = result.headers.get('content-type'); if (resultMimetype && !resultMimetype.includes('text/')) { throw new Error('Tabletojson can just handle text/** mimetypes'); } return Tabletojson.convert(await result.text(), options); } } }