{"version":3,"sources":["../../lib/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export {Tabletojson} from './Tabletojson';\n\nexport type TableToJsonOptions = {\n useFirstRowForHeadings?: boolean, // Use the first row as header [default=false]\n stripHtmlFromHeadings?: boolean, // Strip all HTML from headings [default=true]\n stripHtmlFromCells?: boolean, // Strip HTML from cells [default=true]\n stripHtml?: boolean | null, // Strip off HTML [default=null] if set true stripHtmlFromHeadings and stripHtmlFromCells will also be true\n forceIndexAsNumber?: boolean, // Force the index to be used as number [default=false]\n countDuplicateHeadings?: boolean, // If given a _ will be added to the duplicate key [default=false]\n ignoreColumns?: number[] | null, // {Array} Array of column indices to ignored [default=null]\n onlyColumns?: number[] | null, // {Array} Array of column indices to be used. Overrides ignoreColumn [default=null]\n ignoreHiddenRows?: boolean, // Ignoring hidden rows [default=true]\n id?: string[] | null, // string of an id [default=null]\n headings?: string[] | null, // {Array} Array of Strings to be used as headings [default=null]\n containsClasses?: string[] | null, // {Array} Array of classes to find a specific table [default=null]\n limitrows?: number | null, // {Integer} Integer that limits the result of all rows to a given amount of data [default=null]\n fetchOptions?: RequestInit,\n};\n\nexport type CallbackFunction = (conversionResult: any) => any;\n"],"names":["Tabletojson"],"mappings":"AAAA,SAAQA,WAAW,QAAO,gBAAgB"}